I'm sick of ridiculous housing costs and really don't want another term of Ford trying to collapse our healthcare system.
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I'd check my riding polls before voting and if there's a clear lead among ONDP, OLP, OGreen, I'd vote for whoever is leading. I live in a PC/OLP tossup riding so in my case that would be the OLP. In my friend's riding that's the ONDP.
I'm kind of stunned.
My current riding has been NDP for...ever.
Now a tossup with PC.
But, to be honest, my MPP has never returned calls, never returned emails (re: covid, convoy, and a few other issues) , never done anything I am aware of except photo ops.
This is why trump won. Useless ineffectual "representation".
Also, TIL there is a None of the Above Party.
Well if your ineffectual NDP MPP is still the main competition to the PC candidate, and you don't like Ford, you get to vote for that MPP again. 🥹
I will. Because I don't want a con.
Ford doing a publicity stunt, calling an early election to cash in on it, and then getting knocked down to a minority would just be... chefs kiss beautiful.
Totally. Still not very likely but I think it's still possible. I hope it materializes. I've rounded up friends and family to vote, some OLP some NDP, depending on their riding.
NDP has my riding on lock, it's a nice feeling.
"Reducing traffic congestion" is well below "dealing with climate change and protecting the environment".
Yet Ford claims that traffic is one of the biggest issues for Ontarians, and is doing everything to make sure that climate change guardrails are ignored or abolished while he tries to force another unnecessary highway onto protected land.
FWIW, the plans to spend tens of billions on a tunnel, and a new highway, and to remove bike lanes... negatively impact the cost of living, healthcare, and housing affordability (the actual top concerns).
Because creating more car infrastructure is unsustainable, so more taxes go to supporting it, but you never get back benefits in return.
Please don't vote for this idiot. He's making all our lives more difficult.