Friends don't let friends use it
this post was submitted on 26 Feb 2025
25 points (93.1% liked)
364 readers
33 users here now
A place where you can rant to your heart's content.
Rules :
- Follow all of Lemmy code of conduct.
- Be respectful to others, even if they're the subject of your rant. Realize that you can be angry at someone without denigrating them.
- Keep it on Topic. Memes about ranting are allowed for now, but will be banned if they start to become more prevalent than actual rants.
founded 2 years ago
Try Ghost because Substack is right-wing broligarchy garbage:
I'll look into it!
Substack started as a newsletter site, so there's still no way to sub to anyone without being emailed everything they post
Sounds a lot like hot garbage to me.
Dropsite and Zete have good Substack news. But the lower barrier to entry makes it possible foe everyone to publish hot garbage.
I looked into it, but I don't want to get $2 / $5 for every blogger I want to read about.
Lots of them have free tiers.
I follow a few writers for free and read their articles in my email.