Be honest. You wanted to trade the diamond for Nurhachi.
Inspired by the Dull Men’s Club.
1. Relevant commentary on your own dull life. Posts should be about your own dull, lived experience. This is our most important rule. Direct questions, random thoughts, comment baiting, advice seeking, many uses of “discuss” rarely comply with this rule.
2. Original, Fresh, Meaningful Content.
3. Avoid repetitive topics.
4. This isn't an advice forum
Use a search engine, a tradesperson, Reddit, friends, a specialist Facebook group, apps, Wikipedia, an AI chat, a reverse image search etc. to answer simple questions or identify objects. Also see rule 1, “comment baiting”.
There are a number of content specific communities with subject matter experts who can help you.
Some other communities to consider before posting:
5. Keep it dull. If it puts us to sleep, it’s on the right track. Examples of likely not dull: jokes, gross stuff (including toes), politics, religion, royalty, illness or injury, killing things for fun, or promotional content. Feel free to post these elsewhere.
6. No hate speech, sexism, or bullying No sexism, hate speech, degrading or excessively foul language, or other harmful language. No othering or dehumanizing of anyone or negativity towards any gender identity.
7. Proofread before posting. Use good grammar and punctuation. Avoid useless phrases. Some examples: - starting a post with “So” - starting a post with pointless phrases, like “I hope this is allowed” or “this is my first post” Only share good quality, cropped images. Do not share screenshots of images; share the original image.
That does sound fun. Our ancient scrabble board had two sticks with little wheels at both ends, and you could place them on the table crossed. Then you could place the board on it and then it could be rotated to whoever had to place the letters now.
Just got reminded of that.
I have a "deluxe" Scrabble which has a sort of ball on the bottom so it can be easily rotated. There are also grooves for the letter tiles to stop them getting knocked (or affected by the centrifugal forces when the board is spun too quickly).
If you get tired of it on the table, try using it in the cupboard for spices or other smaller things.
Spinning things is fun.
There's a reason why fidget spinners were very popular for a hot minute.
I have trichotillomania so having fidget spinners and other fidget toys can be very helpful to keep my hands busy.
You can always use it to take videos of things rotating.
We call ours "the round-y-round" and it is where all of the condiments and such live - salt, pepper, honey, tabasco, simple syrup (for coffee), etc.
This is hands-down the best name for these devices I have ever heard and I will be using this myself in all applicable circumstances, until the end of time