only now learning about pragtical. been using Lite-XL for two years now and I think it is tume for a change.
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Do you have some kind of media library plugin for Deadbeef?
No media library plugin.
Thanks. I wasn't sure based on the tagging.
I've been looking for one forever. It's my main reason for not using Deadbeef. One exists, but it's only for Mac, for some reason.
I like that you show GUI apps alongside the terminal. Often I see a cool setup where someone just changes the wallpaper and the colour scheme of the terminal.
Nice visuals. I should check out deadbeef once again. I switched to Strawberry, a clementine fork sometime ago.
Also, I like your music collection, mainly because Mukesh happens to be my favorite playback singer of all time :p.
thanks! i love mukesh, kishore, rafi, hemant, my all time favs
what's that local site you've got opened? would be interested to set something similar up for myself
google glance app on github
Love how well themed everything is! Works amazingly with the background!
That's a nice music collection bro :)
First time I see about DK. Looks promising :)
Its my backup wm my primary is qtile