Dogs definitely know when they're doing something they're not supposed to be doing. They get all sneaky and quiet, and look hella guilty if you catch them.
In the event that Gov Ops searches a person’s home, these rules mean that the person 1) must keep the entry a secret, 2) cannot seek outside help (unless necessary for fulfilling the request, the law says), and 3) could face criminal charges if Gov Ops deems them uncooperative.
This is a blatant violation of multiple constitutional rights. No wonder they want it kept secret, they're building the Gestapo. They're dismantling American liberty in favor of over fascism.
I never understood why Al acts like having sex with his hot wife is a chore. Boomers sure are different.
are currently between 27 and 42 years old — are significantly more likely to want to do some form of paid work during retirement.
Want is not the right word there, and it completely changes the message. This is a fucking hit job, trying to convince people that company executives stealing pension plans, and a failed society that abandons its elderly, is something young people desire.
Because the people who decide what is legal are the people who benefit from it.
"Gave him a treat anyways"
Well there you go. The dog isn't confused, it's doing exactly what they're training it to do.
Agent Smith clarified that civilization progressed beyond 1999, but that it wasn't human's progress anymore.
Agent Smith: "and I say 'your' civilization, because after we started thinking for you it became 'our' civilization."
The "home feed" shows subs I never subscribed to.
Facebook started doing this awhile ago too and made the site completely unusable for its original purpose of keeping up with friends and family. There is zero reason to browse Facebook anymore.
Using what you're offered is considered abuse now? Huh...
Vaught is mostly a Musk fan
Ah, so he's an idiot. Well that explains his statements.
The party of small government sure does a lot of mommying.
"Here's a website that you needed to install on your phone to see!"