I've never been a stolen election person, but there's no doubt they stole this election. The richest man in the world decided he wants trump to win, so that's what happened. Elon is doing the same thing in other countries, so the assholes that are hating on every American better take heed because it's coming soon to a government near you.
Fuck you cunt. Your ignorant and hateful comment PROVES you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about.
I've been doing everything I can. As have many people I know. There are a lot of losers, there are a lot of racists, misogynist and plain stupid people. And that alone is a separate fight altogether. It's fucking exhausting, mentally and emotionally draining and it's not going to end. I've had it with you cunts and these hateful comments.
What country are you from? I bet we can talk about how fantastic and perfect it is.
12 bottles a year??? Lmfao exactly how much laundry you got? Assume a family of 4 does 3 loads a week (12 a month). A bottle of Snuggle fabric softener ($8) has roughly 112 rinse loads.
That's 112 rinse loads /12 wash loads a month = 9.3 months
2 bottles max a year at a whopping $16.
$16 x 50 years= $800
Dude, these people are being disappeared. That means they're gone. Good luck ever seeing them again. Even as a white guy, you would suffer untold horrors we can't comprehend.
Anecdotally, I was a wild youngin decades ago and went to county jail for two weeks. Even jail was horrible, and they treat you like you're subhuman. It's freezing all the time, the showers are kept purposely boiling hot, and the food is inedible as it's pure sugar garbage. The loser guards finally have a leg up on other people and make sure they get their payback for their shitty lives. You poop and pee in public. As a woman, they literally limited the pads you could use, so I just bled through.
Now imagine you remove all those luxuries I just complained about, and you've got this type of prison.
I'm so grateful my daughter hated Indiana her entire life and fled to Illinois immediately after undergrad. Two of my grandchildren are there with her, and I have one here. I'll be ensuring his parents read to him because I know I will. And I'll campaign to his other grandparents and aunts. I refuse to let that boy get fucked over because this country is full of stupid misogynistic, racists cunts.
I am!!!!