[-] CarbonIceDragon@pawb.social 13 points 4 days ago

To be fair, quacks that claim to be able to do magical stuff are still around, some do quite well well for themselves even

[-] CarbonIceDragon@pawb.social 20 points 5 days ago

I mean, you can't really say that we're going to drive ourselves to extinction, until we've been driven to extinction. Most things people list as likely to do this, climate change, nuclear war, are things that could conceivably do so, but honestly aren't likely to. Destroy civilization maybe, but that just takes disrupting supply lines hard enough. Extinction means nobody, anywhere on the planet survives, even if it's some little pocket of people in some corner of the world whose climate is good after warming is considered and which isn't a target of any nuclear arsenals, because in a number of generations such a little pocket can grow to repopulate the planet again. It's not an impossible thing for sure, but killing off a species capable of surviving in almost any climate zone found on the planet, with the ability to manipulate the growth of it's own food supply, and adapt new tools actively in response to problems within a single generation, is a difficult task.

[-] CarbonIceDragon@pawb.social 12 points 5 days ago

the headline did, but the actual article does not

[-] CarbonIceDragon@pawb.social 9 points 5 days ago

bad title, the actual article is talking about the percentage of each that own homes, not expecting half of all homes to be owned by LGBTQ people

[-] CarbonIceDragon@pawb.social 299 points 6 days ago

the literary equivalent of:

[-] CarbonIceDragon@pawb.social 113 points 1 week ago

the original undermines its own message: they are lifting it, even if barely and with difficulty, which implies that those characters are within an order of magnitude or so of literal divine power.

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by CarbonIceDragon@pawb.social to c/techsupport@lemmy.world

I know this seems like two unrelated questions, so let me explain why I would like to do one of these two things: I recently got a drawing pen tablet with a display, which works fine, except that I am left handed, and my wrist keeps hitting the side buttons. The driver allows me to flip the pen inputs, but not the actual display, it just works as a regular monitor in that regard and relies on the windows settings (windows 11 in my case).

Now, I can flip it if I set it to extend my main monitor, however, I would like to be able to see what I am doing on either monitor, so I would prefer it to mirror my main monitor, just rotated 180 degrees. Some googling suggests that windows does not allow you to do this, except for a glitch involving changing the settings to extend and then back to duplicate, which I cannot manage to achieve. Does anyone know any workaround, or some extra software or such, that would allow me to do this?

Alternatively, if this cannot be done by any means, I would rather not use the extend function as is as I also often play games where moving the mouse to the edge of the screen moves the map around, and so would rather my mouse stay at an edge when reached instead of moving to the next monitor, ideally with some sort of hotkey to toggle what monitor the mouse is on. Is there a way I might achieve something like this?

EDIT: turns out this was all unnecessary, because the tablet itself has an option to do this rotation, its just in a part of the on-board display settings I didnt see before, isnt accessible from the driver UI that Ive seen, and wasnt mentioned on the tutorials that I found on the manufacturer's site that suggested windows had be used to control that rotation. Thanks anyways to everyone that tried to help me while I spent hours searching for a workaround needlessly.


All the spines and frills are supposed to be for sensing vibrations to help it not need eyes. Supposedly a herbivore, but not really since I just kept both cells mouths all the way through. Kept some cell movement as well, never realized before that the flagella makes a neat rat-like tail in creature stage if you make it large.

[-] CarbonIceDragon@pawb.social 144 points 4 months ago

If chess were a new game released today, I imagine a lot of these "why'd they make it political" types would probably object to the fact that the most powerful character in the game is the only one that's clearly stated to be a woman.


Specifically the type of printer that prints using spools of plastic filament, but that seems like the most common type anyway

[-] CarbonIceDragon@pawb.social 296 points 6 months ago

The ironic thing is, conflating any and all criticism of the state of Israel with anti-semitism could be argued as anti-semitic itself, because to suggest that jewish people in general and the Israeli state/military are one in the same such that criticism of the later is also hateful towards the former, is also to suggest that jewish people as a whole are responsible for the actions of Israel.

As cultural groups as a whole are inherently unable to be guilty of crimes (since even if a large number of people belonging to one commit some crime, such a group will also contain members that cannot be guilty of it, like young children), but states and similar entities, being organized and capable of decision-making, can be, then any attempt to link the moral culpability of a state and that of a cultural group is inherently to apply unfair accusations to that group, and thus hateful to it.

[-] CarbonIceDragon@pawb.social 133 points 7 months ago

Realistically I imagine that having access to resurrection would have fairly dramatic consequences on how a society applies punishment. It'd probably be a crime of some sort to revive the executed, sorta equivalent to breaking someone out of jail, states might be more harsh with handing out death penalties when it is possible to undo them if new evidence is found, and the remains of the executed probably would be carefully stored and locked up to prevent unwanted revival and to have in case the state decides to bring someone back, assuming the body is needed for it.

Might also get things like a monarchy which kills off heirs to the throne after a certain age and stores them careful to revive when the current monarch dies or abdicates, to prevent scheming between them to increase their place on the line of succession or take over from the current ruler early, and to ensure they are young and healthy when they take the throne.


Like, I just was thinking about how lots of pet species will just eat as much food as you give them to the point of making themselves sick, and keeping them at a healthy weight requires not giving them access to too much food. Obviously some humans have problems with this, but imagine how bad things would be if everyone were basically psychologically incapable of not eating food when we had access to it even when we'd had enough, given our dramatically higher access to food due to agriculture.


They literally took the gold provinces- all the gold provinces that have generated in south america this run as far as I can find, and nothing else. Kinda looks like open wounds or something else gross with that combination of map colors.

[-] CarbonIceDragon@pawb.social 233 points 8 months ago

I mean, the United States has, to be fair, developed a food culture that emphasizes using a lot of meat, especially over the past century or so. It's not surprising that people from an area that eats so much meat, who go vegan, are going to want to look for ways to still make dishes familiar to them


Name isnt anything too creative, its just called the "Slowboat Hauler", but it isnt supposed to be anything too fancy, just the space-fairing version of a bulk cargo freighter, designed by a species that at the time would have thought ftl travel impossible, needing its ships to take the slow way round. The big disk up front is supposed to be a shield to take the impacts of space dust and gas at extreme velocities.

[-] CarbonIceDragon@pawb.social 111 points 1 year ago
  • sets browser to request the desktop site instead *

This little iron refinery probably isnt much to look at for experienced players, but Im pretty proud of it. has 2 miners on a pair of pure iron deposits behind the structure feeding into the 8 smelters inside, divided into 2 different output locations because the best conveyors I currently have can only handle half it's output. There is a small amount of clipping, but nothing super cheaty looking (the mergers that clip through the outside wall dont use the side that clips through, so I like to imagine the exterior bits of them as looking like some sort of ventilation ducts or something.


This is more meant to resemble some kind of early interplanetary spaceship rather than a true interstellar one, but considering you get your ftl drive by just finding one on a nearby planet, I figure this is the sort of tech level your species would realistically have, to start with.

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