[-] CarbonIceDragon@pawb.social 4 points 7 hours ago

And we do. It seems silly to hold their wishes in such high regard compared to our own anyway though, we know more about how our system works in practice than they did when thinking of it after all, both because things dont often go completely as planned and we have the actual experience of using the result for a significant time, and because the system has been already changed in various ways already over that time.

[-] CarbonIceDragon@pawb.social 7 points 9 hours ago

We don't have to stick with the original design, the founders were in no way perfect

[-] CarbonIceDragon@pawb.social 2 points 12 hours ago

Not hard to find when it's hogging so much space at the top of the map

[-] CarbonIceDragon@pawb.social 11 points 13 hours ago

-claims to be against the US sending weapons to Isreal while they're conducting a genocide

-works to ensure the election of a man who's prior history of presiding over foreign policy towards Isreal proves that he would support them in this even more than the present administration.

Make it make sense.

[-] CarbonIceDragon@pawb.social 14 points 15 hours ago

Ah yes, because if a politician could control the weather, of course the thing they'd do with it is attack several swing states right before the election /s

[-] CarbonIceDragon@pawb.social 3 points 15 hours ago

I've never done this because my cutting board is wood and my dishwasher too small to fit it, but are you not supposed to dishwash bamboo? Never heard of this

[-] CarbonIceDragon@pawb.social 35 points 15 hours ago

Plot twist: 50% of each individual patient survives. Hope you get lucky with which organs make it

[-] CarbonIceDragon@pawb.social 5 points 18 hours ago

The issue there is the cause and timescale. Waste heat from energy use isn't what is causing our current climate change, it's the effect of greenhouse gas emissions on the energy absorbed from sunlight. They're related in that the greenhouse gas emissions are generally waste products too, but they're different physical problems that seem equivalent because they have same ultimate consequence, so they shouldn't be taken as having identical solutions. Not that degrowth wouldn't be a way to solve our current issues too, but it's not the only way to, and the point where it becomes such because we reach the physical limits of the planet is a long way off. In the meantime, it has a lot of downsides to consider vs the various other ways to deal with the current problem.

[-] CarbonIceDragon@pawb.social 7 points 22 hours ago

It also seems to me that the circumstances implied don't seem the most likely? Like, we're working on space exploration and development right now, it's still early stages, but given another thousand years it would be strange for it to not go anywhere. It's not even like we'd need to stop building new energy using things in a few hundred years (which, given the current trends in population growth, we might I suppose), we literally just have to spread the things out rather than just piling more and more onto a single planet.

[-] CarbonIceDragon@pawb.social 38 points 1 day ago

Sounds like this guy needs to back where he came from, and back where he was before he came there too, and so on and so forth until he ends up back at elementary school history class.

[-] CarbonIceDragon@pawb.social 9 points 1 day ago

Honestly I suspect it would do the opposite, Lemmy is a bit of a echo chamber and while users here heavily skew towards favoring Palestine in this, or at least condemning what Isreal is and honestly has long been doing to them, the US as a whole, even the base of the democratic party, has long been at least mildly friendly towards Isreal, and a large fraction will see Hamas's attack as justifying Isreali action. It's a bit of a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation for the dems I think where their current path angers progressives on the left, and actively sanctioning Isreal would probably anger the more center-right side of the party, and they need both to turn out to win. They probably figure that at the end of the day, the left either is mostly younger people that don't vote as reliably, or will bite their tongues and vote for them, because, well, if you're given only two possible futures, both evil, and a choice between them, one has a moral obligation to choose the lesser evil, no matter how evil that lesser is, just because by definition, the greater evil is worse. But the center-right, they probably figure, probably don't care about what is happening as much, and will feel much less uncomfortable about just voting for the republicans instead if the dem candidate doesn't do what they want.

That being said, it doesn't really much matter, ethically, if not helping kill tens of thousands of innocent people makes it slightly harder to win political power for yourself, it's still a pretty horrible excuse. Nobody sitting in a jury would let someone go free if they were accused of being an accomplice to a murder, if that accomplice's defense was "well, I'm running for mayor, and if I didn't help the murderer, his friends probably won't vote for me". Like I get that Kamala isn't really calling the shots on that, being only vice president currently, but she doesn't seem like she intends to change how Biden has handled the situation much.

Don't get me wrong, I am voting for her, I'm not one of those people that thinks that it is somehow noble to just let the greater evil win if it means not taking an action that helps the lesser evil beat it, I think that the going for the best outcome plausibly available is always the right thing to do and that doing the reverse because "well my hands are clean" is a misguided and self centered way to do ethics, but like damn people (to which I mean the people that actually side with Isreal in this, and the DNC I guess, not they they see my tired internet ranting), just because the other option is as close as the country has come in a century to "literally Hitler" does not mean that you have to emulate Churchill refusing to help the Bengalis.

[-] CarbonIceDragon@pawb.social 112 points 2 days ago

Honestly I get frustrated when people (mostly my extended family admittedly) take from that movie the idea that the message is "dinosaurs are impossible to contain safely and we should never try to somehow recreate one". Like, no, we can make zoos for large, fairly intelligent predators or even bigger herbivores just fine, we do it all the time with things like lions and elephants, dinosaurs arent godzilla or anything. The issue with Jurassic park was that it was run by cheapskates that wanted to get something done fast on a budget without concern for doing it right. It would be like making a movie about the Oceangate disaster and having people conclude the moral of the story was "You shouldnt want to build a submarine because humans arent meant to go down there and it will inevitably go badly" rather than "You should spend the money to build your submarine the right way"

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by CarbonIceDragon@pawb.social to c/techsupport@lemmy.world

I know this seems like two unrelated questions, so let me explain why I would like to do one of these two things: I recently got a drawing pen tablet with a display, which works fine, except that I am left handed, and my wrist keeps hitting the side buttons. The driver allows me to flip the pen inputs, but not the actual display, it just works as a regular monitor in that regard and relies on the windows settings (windows 11 in my case).

Now, I can flip it if I set it to extend my main monitor, however, I would like to be able to see what I am doing on either monitor, so I would prefer it to mirror my main monitor, just rotated 180 degrees. Some googling suggests that windows does not allow you to do this, except for a glitch involving changing the settings to extend and then back to duplicate, which I cannot manage to achieve. Does anyone know any workaround, or some extra software or such, that would allow me to do this?

Alternatively, if this cannot be done by any means, I would rather not use the extend function as is as I also often play games where moving the mouse to the edge of the screen moves the map around, and so would rather my mouse stay at an edge when reached instead of moving to the next monitor, ideally with some sort of hotkey to toggle what monitor the mouse is on. Is there a way I might achieve something like this?

EDIT: turns out this was all unnecessary, because the tablet itself has an option to do this rotation, its just in a part of the on-board display settings I didnt see before, isnt accessible from the driver UI that Ive seen, and wasnt mentioned on the tutorials that I found on the manufacturer's site that suggested windows had be used to control that rotation. Thanks anyways to everyone that tried to help me while I spent hours searching for a workaround needlessly.


All the spines and frills are supposed to be for sensing vibrations to help it not need eyes. Supposedly a herbivore, but not really since I just kept both cells mouths all the way through. Kept some cell movement as well, never realized before that the flagella makes a neat rat-like tail in creature stage if you make it large.


Specifically the type of printer that prints using spools of plastic filament, but that seems like the most common type anyway


Like, I just was thinking about how lots of pet species will just eat as much food as you give them to the point of making themselves sick, and keeping them at a healthy weight requires not giving them access to too much food. Obviously some humans have problems with this, but imagine how bad things would be if everyone were basically psychologically incapable of not eating food when we had access to it even when we'd had enough, given our dramatically higher access to food due to agriculture.


They literally took the gold provinces- all the gold provinces that have generated in south america this run as far as I can find, and nothing else. Kinda looks like open wounds or something else gross with that combination of map colors.


Name isnt anything too creative, its just called the "Slowboat Hauler", but it isnt supposed to be anything too fancy, just the space-fairing version of a bulk cargo freighter, designed by a species that at the time would have thought ftl travel impossible, needing its ships to take the slow way round. The big disk up front is supposed to be a shield to take the impacts of space dust and gas at extreme velocities.


This little iron refinery probably isnt much to look at for experienced players, but Im pretty proud of it. has 2 miners on a pair of pure iron deposits behind the structure feeding into the 8 smelters inside, divided into 2 different output locations because the best conveyors I currently have can only handle half it's output. There is a small amount of clipping, but nothing super cheaty looking (the mergers that clip through the outside wall dont use the side that clips through, so I like to imagine the exterior bits of them as looking like some sort of ventilation ducts or something.


This is more meant to resemble some kind of early interplanetary spaceship rather than a true interstellar one, but considering you get your ftl drive by just finding one on a nearby planet, I figure this is the sort of tech level your species would realistically have, to start with.

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