It's seriously upsetting to see how many in leadership want to save their bacon instead of doing what's right.
the rate of ocean warming has more than quadrupled over the past 40 years, driven by Earth’s growing energy imbalance — accounting for roughly 44 percent of the extra heat in recent El Niño years. Thanks to heat-trapping greenhouse gases and a decrease in reflectivity, the planet is absorbing more energy from the sun than is escaping back into space.
Saved you a click. It's global warming.
I don't understand who people they're dunking on when they mock distinctive indigenous words.
Ballaarat means meeting place. Djilang / Geelong means tongue of land as in the edge of the bay. Wirribi / Werribee means spine, as in the river being the spine of the land. Garidwerd means mountain range created by Bunjil. Wahroonga means home.
Even Humpybong comes from ngumpin bong, meaning empty houses in Ninghi Ninghi referring to the failed colonial penal colony that the settlers abandoned.
All these words have true meanings that connect to the land and our history.
What a fucking whinge