Sponsored by Big Parma?? I'll see myself out...
Because that's what a real American does. Trump can't even take a little rain because he's worried about his rotten hair piece
Jesus took the wheel and did the right thing
That sounds like too many snakes
Wow, what else would you expect from this crack team of parking garage lawyers? Very on brand too - mAkE hIm StOp - jUsT sUe HiM!
Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime. That's why I poop on company time.
Have we all agreed to a silly name for the hairstyle?
Was it "broccoli head"?
New Game with huge matchmaking issues vs Older Game with no matchmaking issues
I guess it takes a tropical storm/hurricane to flood the region??
All while showcasing his own from the opposite angle. I believe he got banned as a result but not sure if it ever was rescinded or just expired. Classic either way
Too late for that already right? Just like imgur, correct?
And batshit crazy weird. Let's not forget that