The only way he could help is if he invented a time machine and went back in time to convince himself to announce he isn't going to pursue a second term in 2022. Or immediately stop supplying Israel with bombs after it became clear they weren't going to stop. Or better yet, go back to 2020 and don't screw Bernie out of winning the nomination. Selfish prick.
joined 2 years ago
"As a centralist, all points must be considered. From giving women rights, to exterminating the culturally inferior."
I have a daily pill sorter and a daily reminder on my phone. I often see the reminder and forget about it 13 seconds later, so having them already dispensed makes it easy for me to see the reminder and just go do it. It helps that if I don't take my medicine then I know I'll feel sick, so if I ever make it to the afternoon without taking my meds it sort of makes me panic so that I go do it right away. It's good I WFH, otherwise I'd never remember to take my meds before leaving for the day.
Lol, caring about anything but money and power is so cringe, amirite? Imagine caring about libraries, museums, and people living their final years in dignity. Couldn't be me.