The logical chain they're missing is the fact that Capitalism is very literally using the sick and disabled as human shields - "Don't hurt me, or little Timmy won't get his chemotherapy!"
English-language media popular in English-speaking countries.
If I had to give them the benefit of the doubt: that prior to Western Capitalism (Imperialism, etc.), being queer (in whatever way; being attracted to the same gender, identifying with a gender other than your agab, not fitting in with either gender's norms, etc.) was not an "identity" the way it is today; that, like with race, the distinction is made to otherize and oppress (though, of course, while that oppression is happening, those identities can also be a rallying point for those oppressed cultures themselves).
BofA Deez nuts
Also voting PSL. I'm a dirty lib who sometimes votes for Democrats in local elections, but I will never vote for Democrat to the right of Sanders at the federal level again.
It's called the South China Sea, 4head
I'm banning Tiktok and you can't stop me
Downvotes on instances without downvotes aren't federated. If they're showing up from a account, they're from users
Average user
It's literally mind-numbing how the assumption is that sending weapons into Ukraine is a definite moral good and the only question is what sort of weapons to send. Liberalism is a mental disorder.
The war is going to end in a Russian victory. The only question is how many people have to die - on both sides - before a peace is negotiated.
You don't have to qualify your opinion that Threads should be defederated by bringing up the lolicon instance. They are two completely separate instances and the questions to defederate from either are completely separate.
Burggit, Exploding-Heads, and Threads each have their own reasons for defederation (lolicon, nazism, corporate influence) and it doesn't make any sense to bring up one when discussing the other.
This is reminding me of Parenti - to put his conclusions in my own words, Fascism is when the revolutionary rhetoric developed by the Left-Wing (whether that is Socialists or Communists or Left-Liberals) is used to advance the goals of the ruling classes instead.