
joined 1 month ago
[–] EySkibidiBabBab@feddit.dk 1 points 3 days ago

I like to think of it as a labor of love 🥰

[–] EySkibidiBabBab@feddit.dk 4 points 4 days ago (2 children)

Sell feet pics on the internet.

[–] EySkibidiBabBab@feddit.dk 4 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Altså temmelig øv bøv for Jens - men glad for at politiet er opmærksomme på problemet. Jeg er virkelig træt af at være ved at blive fræset ned af folk der lydløst kører 35+ på de små københavnske cykelstier.

Forleden oplevede jeg at en ringede af mig, fordi jeg kørte på siden af min bror -- og tre sekunder efter, uden at overdrive -- der prøvede han at mose sig ind foran mig og råbte "SÅ RYK DIG DOG" på sin glorificerede ellert. Han er sikkert bare en klaphat og havde været på samme måde på en almindelig cykel... Men de der fatbikes enabler kun røvhulsmentaliteten endu mere hos de typer.

[–] EySkibidiBabBab@feddit.dk 7 points 1 week ago

Ååååååh sikke dog en dejlig nyhed at gå på weekend på!

[–] EySkibidiBabBab@feddit.dk 2 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

That looks very cool! I will look into it. Thanks!

[–] EySkibidiBabBab@feddit.dk 2 points 2 weeks ago

Thanks for your input :)!

[–] EySkibidiBabBab@feddit.dk 2 points 2 weeks ago

Good consideration - i know several of them have complained about modern social networks with their never ending feeds and not seeing content from people they care about any longer. So, as the techy in the family, i was thinking it was more or less my responsibility to come up with a viable alternative.


Hi, i'm curious if any of you have any experiences setting up and using a Mastodon instance for your family/social circle only?

I'm thinking it could provide an experience like the early Facebook, where you saw posts from people you actually cared about. And not just a bunch of ads disguised as content.

If you have experience with it, how did you convince your family to move over to the server? Does it get used and are there any unforeseen complications you hadn't expected?

[–] EySkibidiBabBab@feddit.dk 2 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Personligt er jeg selv skiftet over til Firefox for at undgå chromium. Mozilla der laver Firefox har også sine kontroverser, og er vidst også begyndt at indsamle data til noget AI halløj. Men de er så vidt jeg ved, noget mere gennemsigtige med det, og jeg vil hellere min data går til Mozilla end Google.

Meeeeen - det er efterhånden pest eller kolera på browsermarkedet.

[–] EySkibidiBabBab@feddit.dk 10 points 2 weeks ago

Nothing like snorting a fresh line of crystalized cockroach gut milk in the morning to start the day off right 🥰

[–] EySkibidiBabBab@feddit.dk 1 points 2 weeks ago

I don't mind a lot of the arguments against; but this might be enough to make me switch to something else: https://lukesmith.xyz/articles/matrix-vs-xmpp/#-matrix-is-linked-to-israeli-intelligence-

[–] EySkibidiBabBab@feddit.dk 7 points 2 weeks ago


Element! :D

I'm fully aware of the relationship between Matrix and Element as well as alternative clients existing. I actually find it kinda hard to communicate about. Whenever i say something like "i sent you a link on Matrix" the few people i use Matrix with get confused. People are used to referring to app/client-names: fb messenger, outlook, iMessage (even if i'm sending an sms) and not the underlying technology.

I've tried explaining it like email - you can register an email somewhere and access it through several email clients. But i mean, people who's not as much into software as i (and i suspect you as well due to your fine recommendations) -- and still refers to their email as "outlook" -- they can have a hard time wrapping their head around that relationship. An app is just an app... Right?

The reason i referred to it as "element" in my comment, was because the comment i replied to referred to it as Element tho.

[–] EySkibidiBabBab@feddit.dk 2 points 2 weeks ago (4 children)

What's the reasons against Element :)? Currently testing it with some friends of mine, before trying to lure my family on it instead of iMessage. So would be interested in why you don't think it's feasible.

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