[-] FearfulSalad@ttrpg.network 17 points 1 week ago

Sync has it as an app option, and several of the apps I was using prior to sync had something similar.

This has vastly improved my experience on Lemmy's Top 6 Hours

[-] FearfulSalad@ttrpg.network 7 points 4 months ago

Playing the base solo campaign in SWtOR and actually listening to the dialogue and following the story with each class I think gives a similar feeling (so long as you skip the non-story quests). Star Wars IP can be good.

[-] FearfulSalad@ttrpg.network 8 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Most people hear " bubble" and think "oof, that's not a good thing."

Capitalists (the ones with the actual capital) hear the same thing and think "just imagine how rich I'll be if I get out right before it pops! Blow more hot air into it! Quickly!"

[-] FearfulSalad@ttrpg.network 13 points 5 months ago


The fusion of light elements up to a certain nucleus size releases energy. However, fusion only occurs at very high temperatures and pressures. The goal is to 1) create the conditions for nuclear fusion (which they did), 2) have the fusion reaction produce energy that sustains those conditions (they did for 48 seconds), and ideally a tiny bit more, 3) gather residual energy that isn't critical to the reaction itself, which is the part that looks like a steam engine.

[-] FearfulSalad@ttrpg.network 11 points 6 months ago

Meanwhile, Tristaniopsis is a synonym for Santorum, and I've never been able to credit anyone who goes by that moniker with any amount of respect.

Do you know how derogatory words work? You're perpetuating the thing you disrespect with your own comment.

[-] FearfulSalad@ttrpg.network 4 points 8 months ago

Something about English wants me to say it should be "Battle of the Santas Clause," but not knowing any of the rules, I couldn't tell you why.

[-] FearfulSalad@ttrpg.network 5 points 9 months ago

I read this to my wife.

Her response was "Stop."

"No honey, that would be the red light."

[-] FearfulSalad@ttrpg.network 6 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Capitalism has been touted as superior to the alternatives (Socialism, Communism, etc) b/c it has been claimed to be "self-regulating" and "self-correcting" and "even if we don't understand why, it fixes itself"--basically the only choice among bad ones that, given our collective small brains, has any chance of sustaining itself and society in the absence of an ability of individuals or government to do so intentionally.

What it really is is an opportunity to stay anonymous while gaming the system, all the while convincing everyone else that they too can game the system (thereby being gamed). It is not a net benefit to society when taken to extremes.

Capitalism is great for the consumer in the micro. If there is a coffee shop on your street that sucks, and you start a coffee shop two blocks away to compete with it with your better coffee, you are participating in the version of capitalism that "works as intended."

It doesn't work in the macro. When, instead of continuing to manage your mom & pop business that barely breaks even, you vertically integrate, buy up or otherwise destroy your competition, and then reduce the quality of your product to bare minimums in favor of profits and shareholder value and growth, you take capitalism to an extreme that makes everyone else (the consumers, the workers, the would-be-competitors) have a worse quality of life.

People prefer better quality of life. Capitalism in the modern age is so far in that macro extreme that it no longer makes people's lives better. East Palestine train derailment as an example... why would they prioritize safety over cost cutting? Bam, a town is cancerous. It's not unreasonable for people to point at a corruptible system and blame it for the corruption that exists.

Problem is, people are corruptible, so whatever alternative we think is better, someone will come along and ruin it for personal gain.

[-] FearfulSalad@ttrpg.network 4 points 1 year ago

Oh, certainly! But then, I would avoid coming up with a policy at all until the amount of content reaches critical mass. If you're not ready for whatever will be the right policy, why bother enacting one that you know you'll have to walk back or ammend later?

[-] FearfulSalad@ttrpg.network 5 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

RE Battlemaps: strongly opposed to allowing them. Lemmy.world already has a battlemaps community. Ttrpg.network is welcome to make such a community too, I suppose. That content works for many more ttrpgs than dnd, so putting it in its own space makes more sense than allowing it in here.

RE artwork, if someone wants to post a hand-drawn scene of their group's epic win/loss against the bbeg, that's cool. I think we like seeing dnd success stories from folks, and a picture can be worth a thousand words. But, if that person is open for commissions, I would strongly prefer not to know about it.

IMO advertising needs to be segregated to opt-in communities kept exclusively for that purpose, much like LFG posts get their own space to mot pollute the general discussion.

(Similarly, links out to other sites that have comment sections, like youtube, should IMO be required to have actual supporting text content worthy of discussion, as without it they are just more advertising. That's outside the scope of the original discussion tho.)

Edit: RE homebrew--IMO it too should be sequestered, as it represents a divergence from everyone else's frame of reference.

[-] FearfulSalad@ttrpg.network 7 points 1 year ago

All of the above. It's AI generated, which, while interesting, is black-mirroresque after the past few years where people have put real effort in holding sessions and recording them for podcasts. It also features some really annoying voices, several of whom are in politics--it's unsurprising that the community doesn't want those voices to have airspace here. It's also not good. Much of the banter is weak (or only "funny" by being offensive, which is also weak) and the DM exposition is bland. And it's a link out, rather than a conversation--youtube has a comment section to discuss the video, making it being linked here nothing more than advertising. Advertising, while necessary for businesses, is absolutely horrible to the individuals bombarded with it who did not sign up for it. It's one thing to have a bespoke community to serve as a link aggregator that people can opt into, but the downvotes here serve as a critique of this type of content moving forward. At least, that's some reasons why I would downvote this.

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