Vinyl decals were invented in the 1960s
"what if we installed a thing that was less functional and more expensive and required a lot more maintenance and also introduces new problems on top of solving no existing ones"
"Brilliant give me $200,000,000 worth"
Don't delete, your pain and discomfort are real and you deserve to not feel them.
I feel for you. I'm on Strattera now because I couldn't find a stimulant that didn't eventually give me diminishing returns on the benefits without the drawbacks full-force, but not being on them for a couple months due to not having insurance was rough. I hope you can get what you need soon. Hang in there.
You dropped this, officer
Maybe it's all the corpses. Dead careers. The ghosts of thousands of Palestinian children. Who's to say?
The officer:
Remember: doing amphetamines makes you a really good detective
she gets mad bitches
have fun under constant video social and economic surveillance
motherfucker you are describing my real life right now in America
American propaganda about China: AMERICAN EAGLE BURGER INSTITUTE CONFIRMS CHINA IS ABOUT TO COLLAPSE (series of 300 videos)
Chinese propaganda about America: Here is a text file detailing publicly accessible facts about America that you can find on their government websites
That's because we like Matt Christman and he is cool and funny instead of being a senile war criminal with oceans of child blood on his hands
Bae'Zel is best girl