Agreed but that’s beside the point. I’m able to spend maybe 15-30 minutes a day on my phone. And apart from that I spend the rest of the day tubefed and unable to open my eyes.
If I “HAD” to work, I wouldn’t “force myself” because I cannot, I would die of starvation or whatever comes first when I run out of money.
I’m not bragging about diversity just replying to someone calling switzerland an ethnostate. Jeez!
And I wouldn’t brag about most the US population being migrants from a couple centuries ago because that comes with the fact you practically wiped out the native population.
If you’d like to compare the US and Switzerland without using citizenship you could use percentage or forgein born population. 37% of the Swiss population vs 18% of the US population.
But I didn’t mean to start a US vs Switzerland contest, I just used US based statistics in my previous answer to illustrate how Switzerland is not currently an ethnostate. Especially since Switzerland contains 4 distinctive ethnicities since centuries. Schywzerdütsch have a very different culture than swiss romands or swiss italians etc. We don’t even speak the same language…