Ich bin dafür ein paar Artilleriegeschosse in die Eier reinzutun.
Die politische Betätigung darf weder zu persönlicher Begünstigung, etwa einer schnelleren Karriere, noch zu einer Benachteiligung führen. Stichwort: Ämterpatronage. Für die Besetzung öffentlicher Ämter gilt mit Verfassungsrang, Art. 33 Abs. 2 GG, das Leistungsprinzip. Öffentliche Ämter sind nach den Kriterien Eignung, Befähigung und fachliche Leistung zu vergeben.
Federal workers have, as everyone else, the right to be politically active. The condition are, that you can't be part of the parliament or the government and you have to be able to separate between your job and your political career. You are also not allowed to be active in a party that is against the constitution. Someone who is politically active should not face repercussion for this, as long as he remains neutral in his position as federal worker.
Also to put this into perspective. Federal workers (bo matter where they are employed) are legally required to remain neutral. This goes even thus far, that you can face consequences for going on protests. However, the thing she said is not just her position, but also the position of her Party Mera25. There is also a law providing protection for federal workers who are part of a political party. In theory she shouldn't get fired for expressing the standpoint of her Party.
At the same time our commissar of Antisemitism openly said, in an Interview he attended as said role, not as a private person, that he likes Trumps plans of ethnically cleansing the Gaza strip. In a press conference his actions were defended by stating, that he does not have to reflect the views of the government, even tho his role is part of the government, and the he is not obligated to follow orders if the government.
Yes I know, Germany devinetively has a problem with not being to critical about Israel committing genocide in Gaza.
Ne das kannte ich nicht. War nur so der Größte Munitionstyp der mir so auf die Schnelle eingefallen ist.