[-] GroundedGator@lemmy.world 6 points 3 hours ago

Lock him away with a constantly playing recording of women with Eastern European accents insulting his looks and masculinity.

[-] GroundedGator@lemmy.world 7 points 5 hours ago

And there seems to be a common thread around those events

[-] GroundedGator@lemmy.world 3 points 1 day ago

Minimum wage will be the next thing to go.

Not taxing tips is actually a gift to the employers more than to the employees. When a tipped worker claims 100$ they will have taxes and SSI withheld from their hourly wage AND the employer will also have to pay into SSI for that claimed tip amount.

Do away with taxes on tips, then make the argument that there shouldn't be a minimum for service workers at all. Eventually we get rid of minimum wage completely and SSI.

[-] GroundedGator@lemmy.world 20 points 1 day ago

They only actually care about straight Christian children, everyone else's is less than

[-] GroundedGator@lemmy.world 2 points 2 days ago

Thought he looked more like a goblin or maybe a vampire from dusk till down

[-] GroundedGator@lemmy.world 2 points 2 days ago

Also need to take location into account here. Detroit is 77% black Seems it would be pretty easy to show discrimination is there is a hotel in Detroit that is lacking in black employees.

[-] GroundedGator@lemmy.world 19 points 4 days ago

This was my first thought. I could see this being a medical procedure in place of a vasectomy. Get switch (or something less likely to get bumped) installed and set to off. Then when you want to have kids, another procedure to turn the switch on.

People keep looking for a quick fix for male sperm control, I didn't think it is possible. At least not as a off and on solution that keeps coming up.

[-] GroundedGator@lemmy.world 2 points 5 days ago

The problem is how much recognition anyone else may have to the voting population. People here pay attention. Most voters do not. I can only speculate, but I'd bet that better than 20% of voters don't actually know who the VP is. I'd make a similar wager that more than that didn't know who their congressional representatives are.

Pure speculation, but say that 30% of registered eligible voters are unaware of a new candidate. Probably about 1/3 of those would never vote Democrat anyway. How do you get the remainder excited about the new candidate and fight off the inevitable misinformation in the next 3.5 months?

Anyone that fills that role is going to be starting at zero with a not insignificant number of voters.

[-] GroundedGator@lemmy.world 8 points 5 days ago

Punching down. It's often why bullies are bullies, they are someone's victim and the lesson they learn is to find someone weaker to make a victim.

If you tell someone they are less than and they believe it, they will start looking for someone less than themselves to treat the same way.

It's inferiority from the top down. Trump talks in terms of being the best, the greatest, etc to mask his true feelings. He feels he is less than. Maybe not consciously, but it's absolutely something that weighs on him.

[-] GroundedGator@lemmy.world 32 points 5 days ago

When Trump does lose, the Roberts court will crown him winner by Christmas. The best hope is for Biden to have enough of a showing in swing states that SCOTUS wouldn't be able to deny it.

[-] GroundedGator@lemmy.world 64 points 1 week ago

A better question would be what are you going to do to make sure the orange Mussolini doesn't win?

Make sure you, your friends, and your family are Registered to vote.

Make sure everyone you know gets to the polls on our before election day.

Become a poll worker.

We need to make sure we vote in numbers too big to steal. In 2000 the election was handed to Bush by the Supreme Court because of one state. Looking at the last term, the court would absolutely find a way to shift the election to the con in chief if it was just one swing state with irregularities.

Talk to people about project 2025 and what it will mean. This is how the guardrails from 2017 are removed. This is how we start a Christian theocracy. If we vote blue all the way down, the Dems may be able to put stronger rails in place. If it's not Project 2025 it will be Project 2029. These conservative think tanks have been doing this since Reagan, but this is by far the scariest.

Talk to friends and family about the Biden administration wins. It's not just Biden you're voting for, it is a continuation of his administration.

Bottom line, this is likely the most important election of many of our lives. All of us must participate.

[-] GroundedGator@lemmy.world 129 points 1 month ago

That man created so many problems,


The parties used to work together, it was unthinkable to not compromise for their constituents. Today we hear politicians talk as if it would be treason to work with members from the other side.

There is no both sides in this either. One side wants to govern alone to their own interests, not those of their constituents.


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