These are bounties, right?
Pierre x Wizard.
Sign me up. Let some other sucker live my life.
It's often still connected to the ostomy. That would be called a loop stoma (ileo-/colostomy, I don't know about urostomies tho) the below diagram is a loop colostomy
Some do, some don't. Depends whether they/you think you're getting hooked back up eventually.
Devrom, and also it's a left side ostomy so she likely has her colon. Colostomies (in general) stink less than ileostomies, whose smell can strip paint.
Replace it with Tumblr. By the time you have had your fifteen minutes of browsing, you'll be done for the day.
So they fuck up the right case for once?
Did... did she use Rit?
Anthem Blue Cross Plans Won't Cover Anesthesia for Entire Length of Surgeries That Exceed Time Limit
I would find it darkly hilarious if this killing sparks a war
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joined 1 year ago
I'm surprised they haven't caught more than that