And nothing else? You sure about that? No statements on how chaining prisoners to the floor is totally fine and normal?
Luckily someone already got your number in the other thread you made:
And nothing else? You sure about that? No statements on how chaining prisoners to the floor is totally fine and normal?
Luckily someone already got your number in the other thread you made:
Buried in the sand like turtles, where do you get yours?
Do it with a temporary tattoo and enlist your friend to setup the joke somewhere. Keep your friend and get the goofs
Fuck yes. This is so overdue
Just use regency era dating standards, showing ankles is basically a proposal right?
Absurdist gang represent
I hope that her defense also makes the argument that there is no damages because online reviews have zero value when the majority of them are fake paid reviews.
This reminds me of a programming quote that I can't seem to find, but the gist was "In programming a one in a million occurrence is going to occur all the time." The idea being that because computers go so fast and repeat the same instructions over and over any failure condition even at a low probability will appear to happen often simply because of the scale.
The article is about how Republican politicians are just openly doing absolutely nothing for their constituents and that this act is more insulting than political speech about them can possibly be. The article is arguing the opposite of what you seem to think. It argues that we are paying too much attention to the what conservatives say and how we talk about them and not enough to the actions of their politicians and how brazenly they disregard their voters' needs.
Travelling less than 1000 miles and driving instead of walking... The Proclaimers would be disappointed
I wouldn't leave 2020 out. Having politicians ahead of Joe Biden pull out to endorse him ahead of super Tuesday was really irregular and didn't result in a good candidate either