
joined 4 months ago


Reality seems to have a fascism-bootlicking bias. gestures at the election results around the world

Talk to people irl and you'll soon realize how scary this planet is.

Bruh, they think I'm useless because I have depression, and they are already threatening to leave zero inheritance if I don't "snap out of it". Gee thanks mom, wonder where the depression came from.

Also, idk where you got that metric thing from, their only rubric is "useful" or "human trash". In China where I was from, they literally do not have a law like the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act), they treat people that have health conditions horribly. I'd rather use the imperial system if at least it means I'm not treated like shit (even though recent politics is starting to get shitty).

They just say "You won't need these (referring to inheretance), you can just get disability income.

Like... did they not pay attention to the news? The US government is declaring war on people with mental health issues.

They are literally just going with the government narrative whereever they are. To them, it's "work hard or else your a burden on society" and "medicine is for the weak" or some bs

No wonder why PRC is like that. Everyone in government thinks like my parents.

Its the same with American conservatism

Conservatives ruin everything and have zero sympathy. (CCP is conservative if we're being honest, there is zero "socialism" lol)

(sorry for the rant, feeling very suicidal rn)

Fear of ending up in Guantanamo and getting tortured. (I'm American)

[–] 2 points 1 hour ago (2 children)

You're a good parent.

Unlike my parents who are just shitty and would feel relieved if I kms right now.

[–] 10 points 3 hours ago* (last edited 3 hours ago) (1 children)

Don't want NATO to be on your border? Simple: Just give independence to bordering Oblasts

[–] 0 points 4 hours ago* (last edited 4 hours ago)

Put the data inside a mini-blackhole and activate Future Gadget #8 PhoneWave (name subject to change)

🤣 That's literally me right now.

Oh wait, when did "literally" not mean literally anymore? 🤔

This is literally breaking my brain. (not literally)

You don't get it:

Russian Election with ballot stuffing: "150% Legitimate 🤗"

EU Elections with poll watchers from every party and is audited and transparent: "rIGgEd eLEctIoN! 😡😡😡"

[–] 10 points 5 hours ago (1 children)

Can we start SLAMming people like we did in Bloody Kansas? 🤔

[–] 3 points 5 hours ago (1 children)

Time actually runs backwards because the earth is accelerating "up"wards at 9.8 Meters Per second, which means it would only take 30,591,067.142857 seconds before Earth reaches the speed of light, which is about 354.0632771164 days.

Meaning, if Earth existed for more than a year, it's already traveling faster than the speed of light, which, according to Einstein's Theory of Special Relativity, could only mean one thing:

Everything happening outside Earth's frame of reference is happeneing backwards.

Blackholes don't exist, they are light-bombs.

The big bang didn't happen, that was the end of the universe that we escaped from.

Earth is not flat, it's a TARDIS.

Checkmate, NASA!


We can adjust those statistics 😏

Just ask The Adjuster

[–] -4 points 5 hours ago (1 children)


I mean, how long would it be until the next fascist Canadian prime minister?

Better to just get the government out of our wallets.


I mean, people would obviously propose English to be the world language, but its problematic since that is like telling the world that British Imperialism is somehow "okay", which is not okay.

So we need another language.

But how could we possibly agree on one?

Do we just find the 100 rarest languages then use one of those?

Do we create a new one?


I mean:



French? (how did this happen? France --> French?!?)


And someone from Afghanistan is an Afghan? How did the word get shorter not longer? 🤔

Also, why is a person from India called an Indian, but the language is called Hindi? This breaks my brain...

Philippines --> Filipino? They just saw the "Ph" and decided to use an "F"? 🤔

Okay idk how language even works anymore...

[This is an open discusssion thread on languages and their quirks...]


I kinda have this weird idea where I would hypothetically visit China (where I was born) some time in the future (like as a tourist), then I would go chat up some random foreigners in China, and pretend I don't speak English, then later reveal I do speak English, and then they'd be so surprised like "OMG this Chinese person speaks perfect English?" (because I immigrated to the US as a kid). I kinda want to do this as a prank. I mean I know it sounds silly, but its like the reverse of those youtubers that learn Chinese and surprise Chinese people. I mean, they'd probably eventually figure out that I was grew up in a English speaking country, but its still funny to do this as a prank to confuse people (especially people who's native language is Engish) 😅.

Anyways... what's are your stories (or even hypothetical scenarios) involving languages that you want to share?


If that happens, walls will be obsolete.


Wonder what the next world war is gonna look like...

Team USA+Russia vs Team EU vs Team China? A three-way war?


I mean, it'd be you vs every other billionaire... bad odds it seems...

they could just do the ol' fall out of the window thing


Would you curiosity win? Or would the fear of death win?

spoilerIf you've watched Avatar, I'm talking about city like Ba Sing Se, but IRL.


Wanna save them before they get censored, and don't feel like doing it on every individual webpage. Is there like one giant file somewhere I could just download?


This would be a double-edge sword tho, since they likely end up having even wilder conspiracy theories, even believing in untrue ones, since they would just think there is an even bigger government hiding more secrets one level deeper.

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