
joined 4 months ago

Chuck Schumer, Senate Minority Leader. Said he would vote no on the maga funding bills... then the next day changed his mind like the coward he is.

In current Senate Rules, 60 votes are needed to end discussion (aka: cloture) in order to prceed to a vote. republicans only have a simple majority so they would need a few democrats in order to pass the bill. But Chuck the Cuck just told the democrats to vote yes.


Amateur Radio.

The first video I found on Baofeng Radio guides is on a youtube channel run by some right winger that sounds like a SovCit, who makes "jokes" about people who wear mask and have this "gay humor".

Like bruh

(I mean, I guess it makes sense. Right-wing "anarchists" are skeptical of "government control" and are the type of people to want to use radios instead of smartphones. Buts its ironic that encryption is illegal... But I assume they probably just ignore the "no encryption" rule anyways since they are a SovCit.)

I'm depressed AF and I'm supposed to running PretendingtoBeHappyAndNormal.exe but it crashed because its missing some NeurotransmitterBalance.dll files and I can't download the .dll because the internet is too slow πŸ™ƒ

[–] 1 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

16 right, idk how many wrong

I think knowing Cantonese and Mandarin (and some mandatoru spanish classes in school, really helped. Cantonese and Mandarin helped distinguish between Korean, Japanese, and, Vietnamese.

Russian is too common in movies, so that's easy. I recognized Ukrainian because I listened to some Zelenskyy speeches due to the recent war thing.

The "slavic" languages are really difficult.

... Curious how the rest of Lemmy would do πŸ‘€

My Cat

Not a "Person" but I declare my cat to be an honorary "Person"

Its a warmer hug than my toxic parents.

Cantonese, Mandarin, and English (obviously).

And Spanish, if you count knowing a few phrases as "knowing" a language...

The words I know are: Hola? Como Estas? Muy Bien, E tu? Me llama Pizza. Uno Dos Tres Seis Cinco...

Yea thats about all I know... πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

If I tried to speak Chinese (either Cantonese or Mandarin) in China and they didn't know I grew up in the US, they would probably assume I have a learning disability (because that's how much I suck at it)

Funny thing is, I could just randomly strike up a conversation with foreigners in China with my perfect English and they'd be like "Omg a Chinese person speaks perfect English?" πŸ˜…, but then they'd probably quickly realize that I grewup abroad. (I really wanna try that trick one day, I love to surprise people like that)

What even is "free speech"?

Does that mean I can post a magnet link to a Pirates of The Carribean movie?

I personally don't consider any platform "free speech" unless I can roleplay Captain Jack Sparrow. πŸ΄β€β˜ οΈ

I watched the (US) news on November 6th and still haven't recovered from the shock.

I just...

I dont fucking know anymore...

Already have depression, and this bullshit isn't helping...

It's over, there's no recovery... I'm just waiting for a martial law emergency alert so I can get shot by the military and maybe I'll have a legacy by being remembered as one of the first ones to get shot...

(sorry for the rambling, I can't think clearly since that fucked up election result)

If you and your contacts are all Android, you can Use Briar. It has no central servers and all traffic go through Tor. Open Source and on Fdroid and recommended by

I only talk a mixture of Cantonese Mandarin and English in the Style of Shakespeare

If you use Android, Briar is end to end encrypted and doesn't have a central server and its recommended by


My answer:

All this technology: Radios, Television, Pocket computers that you can just pull knowledge from that also perfroms the functions of various other gadgets which are also made possible by modern technology. And of course, THE INTERNET!


USB-C is awesome! :D

The world just uses AC power.

Metric system

Countries all around the world agreeing to a certain set of rules: Such as in Aviation, the world agreed to use Aviation English and standard phraseology, emergency frequency is 121.5, 3-Letter codes that is unique to every commercial airport in the world.


My favorite thing is the ~~Kyoto Protocol~~ [Edit: Montreal Protocol, mixed that one up]. We stopped the ozone from getting fucked. Now we need to do the same with climate change... πŸ‘€


I was at a traffic light and it's just amazing how (almost) everyone just follows the lights, and not just try to run red lights. Yay! (okay i know its just called "obeying the law" but still, I find this interesting)

International Space Station... (at least until a certain country withdrew... πŸ‘€)


Example: Instead of "123-456-7890"

its: "JohnSmith234@Washington.DC.USA"


Because, to me, it make no sense whatsoever...


Edit: Just to name one example: pCloud


Literally my parents.


Literally my parents.


There were not enough time to get anything at all, not even your phone, keys, or wallet, you have nothing besides your clothes and any disability aids (like glasses, hearing aids, etc.). Anything that can't sustain one hour of burning will be destroyed. All living beings are safe.

Things to thing about: money, sentimental stuff, journals, books, hard drives / digital data, and all of the time and effort you spend organizing your bedroom.


So, here's the deal: You've managed to acquire the data, but disaster strikes, and your time machine is destroyed by an enemy time traveler team. This is crucial historical data that you'll have to get into the future to avert the apocalypse. Due to the constraints of the space-time continuum, all time travelers staying outside of their "home" time for longer than 1 year will die, so you have exactly 1 year to prepare. How do you make sure the future discovers the data, while preventing the enemy time traveler faction from stealing the data?

(Remember: don't just chuck it in a hard drive and bury it in a forest somewhere, the data will degrade)

Um.... Wtf? (
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by to c/

Using Rethink DNS app btw, I want to use a firewall and VPN at the same time on Android. Wtf?!?

So my IP has somehow just been leaking all this time...

Edit: Typo


cross-posted from:

I'm in a +50 Harris neighborhood btw, they were blasting fireworks and honking their cars, all night long... I not sure how they can just be so happy... πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ


I'm in a +50 Harris neighborhood btw, they were blasting fireworks and honking their cars, all night long... I not sure how they can just be so happy... πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ


I just searched "nazi salute" on r/conservative... and its just such insane denialism...

Like, what if musk just do the "Heil H**ler" too?

I wonder what excuses they'll make then?


Fake News?



r/conservative should be renamed to r/neonazi


Some phones, you have to manually swipe on the screen, other phones, it automatically calls after a 5-10 second cooldown (varies by phone)

Some of you might already know that, this is more like a reminder that it exists.

Why YSK: If you don't think you'll ever need to make such calls, you should probably disable it to prevent accidentially dialing (or if it doesn't let you disable it, change the default emergency number to 0000000000).

OR If you are in an abusive household and think you might need to quickly call for help, you might wanna have it enabled, set to automatically call after 5 presses, and set it with the shortest possible timer, and remember this option in case you ever need it (and hopefully, the people with guns don't point them at you when they come).

Why I posted this (Household Violence Warning):My brother flipped out for no reason, I was so scared, that I had my hand on my phone's power button just in case, with pepper spray in my other hand. I mean, idgaf anymore, if he wanna kill me, I'm bringing in the authorities, if they shoot us both, whatever, fuck this life, he ain't gonna get away with killing me (or attempting to). Luckily, I haven't need to do so... yet...

I just want to remind everyone of the quick option to call for help (in case you are in a situation where you have no other choice).

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