Love how there doesn't even appear to be a baseman threatening to get him out
I'm so thankful with this latest SLAMMING he clearly has no shot of winning.
I would literally be shocked if they enforced a rule that everyone else has to follow on a celebrity billionaire
I swear Scottish people are the only ones who type in their own phonetic accent
Social media is a plague
Who expected a sitting senator to use the phrase circle jerk?
Doesn't this say the opposite? That they blocked the poster?
Zuck really found someone less likeable than himself
I love that everyone is mad in the thread
I'm also confused why they're still on Reddit and not over here. Join us, content creators and talented people.
Greatest mods on Reddit.
Btw the 2 or 3 subs I subscribed to that didn't do jack shit to protest can suck it. Looking at you, polandball.
I was gonna say deny him status (or otherwise be unfair)