[-] Libb@jlai.lu 1 points 7 hours ago

Oh, thx a lot!

I must admit I don't know much about those kind of snacks but I would be surprised a doctor would suggest to eat those with any kind of medication.

[-] Libb@jlai.lu 2 points 9 hours ago

My wife has to eat a snack with her medicine she takes before bed or she gets nauseas. I have struggled to find an alternative to goldfish because I agree, it’s garbage. Any thoughts?

What is a goldfish (beside a fish, I mean)? If you mean an alternative to snack, has she tried fresh fruits (an apple, pear, a few grapes,...) or maybe things like nuts? The idea being to no eat heavily processed food at all and not too much of anything. If she is not into fresh fruits (that would be sad), at worst I would suggest a slice of fresh bread (here again not the industrial hyper-processed kind of bread, real bread) with something, maybe a little jam?

[-] Libb@jlai.lu 7 points 12 hours ago

Aren't they constantly? ;)

[-] Libb@jlai.lu 3 points 14 hours ago
[-] Libb@jlai.lu 2 points 14 hours ago

Hi! I just stumbled across this community.

Welcome :)

I write something every day but the only rule is I have to write something, I don’t require a certain number of words or to cover anything in particular.

That's smart. I try to write daily too but I don’t really.

I’ve been journaling for 50 years and beside a few short periods I don’t think I ever managed to do it daily. Alas, I cannot check since for decades I regularly destroyed my journal. Something I quickly learned to do as a child in order to escapee my mother… inquisitorial habits and her not liking what I was writing in it; and what I was telling about myself. I don’t have much regrets in life—not that I’m that faultless perfect nice guy that never do any wrong, I’m not but I also tend to assume all my poor choices as well as the bad things I may have done—but this regular burning of my journals is one of the two things I regret doing in my life and wish I would be able to undo traveling back in time.

I don’t think it’s helped my memory (In the end I’m pretty sure I just have ADHD, with plenty of memories but no control over retrieving them).

Any specific reason to make you thing it doesn’t help? I mean, I consider writing the best help to train my memory right after having long (interesting) discussions with (interesting) people.

When I was starting I put some thought into the medium and decided for searchability I wanted it to be digital, and for longevity I went with plain text files.

Text files are great, and they’re very reliable in the long-term so, since you’re making backups, there is little risk of you not being able to read them in the future.

Like I mentioned in another comment (moments ago), I’m committed to analog myself but I still have devised a search/indexing system that works wonders. It’s based on Luhmann’s Zettelkasten (a fancy name to describe a shoe box of some sort filled with... index cards). The meaningful parts of my journal ends up indexed in that Zettelkasten so I know I will be able to find it, in no time be it tomorrow or in a few years.

I have a folder for each year, then name them with the date such as 2025-01-13.txt for today. I feel these are going to be really important to me when I’m older, as important as photos, so I have them stored across a number of free cloud storage providers, that I update every few months (every day to one, the rest in bulk).

Looks like you’re very well organized :)

I’m not sure what I’m hoping to get out of the community, but I’ve subscribed anyway and we will see how it goes 🙂

It’s a real small community, and one that only very recently started to move out of hibernation. Imho, what you will get out of it depends a lot what you will be willing to put into it. What I’m pretty sure of is that the more people decide to participate and contribute content, the more new users could be tempted to participate themselves ;)

Once again, welcome!

[-] Libb@jlai.lu 2 points 14 hours ago

I keep the list for a few reasons, one is that I wanted to read more.

I remember, that was many years ago, my reading had dropped to almost nothing like with almost all my activities that were not related to work. I was persuaded I was too busy and had no time available for them, that I had better/more important things to do. Indeed, at that time I was very busy with a very demanding job but much more than being busy I was... not very well organized and I wasted a lot of time and energy and it showed. I started to use lists a bit like buckets I would fill (freeing my mind while doing so), simple lists of whatever were my goals and what was the next action I should do for every single one of them and to regularly review those lists. The review part was the real key, allowing to quickly check how things moved along, see where I failed, and adjust what needed adjustment. To say this helped me a lot would be a gross understatement. Lists are a blessing when they're accompanied by regular reviews.

And the other reason is that I want to be able to search for a book to see if I have read it (and how long ago).

Indeed. I also want to be able to search even if my system is analog. That's one of the two jobs of my Zettelkasten (an index card system) in which I index every meaningful bit of info, including journal entries I consider potentially useful and now book review entries. Even if it's 100% analog it's a great system that works wonders, I would not want to change it, but I must say it's still not as instant to find anything as using Ctrl/Cmd-F ;)

My personal list is not about reviewing the book or thoughts on the book, it’s simply a list of books I’ve read, along with dates I started and finished.

I understand that, my approach is not as precise (no clear start/en date but I'm still able to rely on the dates in my journal) , I will have to see if it's an issue and if I need more.

[-] Libb@jlai.lu 15 points 20 hours ago* (last edited 20 hours ago)

I wake up between 4-5AM every single day of the week, and all year long. I don't even need an alarm clock. I can go to sleep at anytime

  • No screen before bed. No computer, no phone, no tablet, no TV (we don't own a TV, so we don't have much choice here ;). What do I do instead? I read a book, journal, write, chat with my spouse or friends, play chess or board games,... I do various stuff just not on a screen. Not even using a Kindle.
  • No coffee in the evening. No alcohol at all (evening as well as in the day: I was an alcoholic many, many years ago). No soda either. Either I'll drink water or herbal tea.
  • Light & healthy diner. I don't stuff my stomach, don't eat garbage pre-packaged industrial 'food' either (this alone was a huge change for me, the day I quit eating that absolute turd a few years ago and my health has jumped through the roof, pre-packaged food is just poison in a fancy packaging and a lot of marketing, I would not be surprise if it was to become the tobacco of the XXI health-wise).
  • No snacking, no candy, chips, or whatever.
  • At least one long walk during the day. Every day.
[-] Libb@jlai.lu 5 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

I'm from France, Paris. Yes, depending where you’re looking it’s a real nice city but, no, I do not have a direct sight over the Eiffel tower. That said, my spouse and I can enjoy breakfast with fresh handmade croissants by our nearby baker right on our balcony, when the weather is cooperating (which means not for the time being ;)

I'm a dude, well into my 50s. Beside the few early years, I've always worked from home. I've been journaling since I was a 7 year-old, both as a way to escape my childhood that was not the most peaceful, and as a way to understand better what was happening to and around me. Decades later, I still journal mostly to keep a short record of my day (nothing newsworthy in my journal, sorry historians) and as a way to put some order in my thoughts too. Something I have always considered journaling was incredibly useful for.

I have been journaling analog (pen, paper, notebook, typewriter, cassettes, I even tried video tapes, and so on) and digital (Word files, Markdown, and journaling apps like DayOne). I'm now fully committed to analog (pen and paper). I also sketch (poorly) in my journal (ink and watercolors).

I'm a lifelong fountain pen user, I'm old enough that we were taught writing using a fountain pen, back in school. But I'm not obsessed with it either and will happily use whatever is at hand’s reach.

If you’re wondering why I use two different accounts, one with the blue icon and the other with a red one, it’s just that I wanted to avoid interference between my administrative role and my role as a member of the community. I post with the red icon, as a member without any privilege, while the blue guy, with all the power, is only there to admin the community. He doesn’t post content beside whatever is related to the life of the community itself (like this very post), he doesn’t comment and he doesn’t vote either. He is not allowed to, that is unless I mix the two accounts which happened once already but since then I’ve tried to be more careful. Edit: Well, it looks like I managed to get it wrong once more :p

[-] Libb@jlai.lu 7 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Where on lemmy is there discussion about news, culture, and zeitgeist without people defaulting to boring and predictable political takes?

I swear sometimes I feel like I’m reading a bad newspaper comment section, like everyone is a poorly trained AI that just spouts default politically-oriented replies.

  • Have you tried discussing with people about those very topics instead of politics, or without yourself bringing your political opinions to the table?
    Sorry to say so but looking at you recent post history it doesn't look like you're exempt from talking 'political takes' yourself. Why complain about something it seems you're also actively contributing to?
    (If you're wondering, I seldom have the 'opportunity' to talk politics on Lemmy because 1) I don't browse the communities where that kind of content thrives and 2) I refuse to waste any more of my time in any discussion the moment it starts shifting toward politics because I consider online 'political discussions' are more often than not akin to having a tantrum, when it's not pure hatred or unadulterated dumbfuckery, none of those helping in regard to politics nor offering any sound base to discussing it, or anything for that matter.)
  • Have you tried discussing with people in niche communities? I frequent a few such niches and there people don't really speak politics. Why would they? It's not the what the community is supposed to be about. Obviously, doing so and being on Lemmy it also means you won't have as many discussions or as many participants as you might have in broader communities but you can't have it both, at least not for now, not for as long as there will be so few Lemmy users.
[-] Libb@jlai.lu 2 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Interesting thought about the lie, I guess sometimes it’s hard to determine what is a criticism against a use case of a tech and what is criticism against the tech itself.

Don't get me wrong, I think it's perfectly fine to criticize 'the tech itself'. What would you say about a tech that would allow a government or anyone for that matter to read your most intimate thoughts just by pointing some device toward you? Would you be ok for that tech to be used (say, hoping that it will be used only against 'perverts' and 'terrorists' in order to punish them for crimes they have not yet committed and do not even exist) but knowing perfectly well that such a tool will be used against the entire population, including you and your child/spouse, because as the saying goes:

Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely

Edit: I would be hostile, plain and openly hostile, to such a tech.

What I was saying is not that. I was saying that it's not being hostile to a tech to criticize it.

It's not because one criticizes something (tech, or whatever) that someone wants that thing to be gone. To criticize something is to consider its merits and faults, that's all it is. It's pointing out strengths and weaknesses. It's not blaming or crying. For example, chemo is a great (tech and) therapy that saves many lives all year long but should it not be constantly criticized in order to make it better than it is? Say, to make it less painful and less destructive (which it is) to the patients being treated by it? Of course, it should. That's criticism. And that's why scientists are constantly trying to improve it (and labs too, but then they're also motivated by increasing their stocks value ;)

What I'm not saying is that if something can be done (tech, AI, thoughts reading, whatever) that something should be done no question asked and that the rest of us (all of humanity and, in our present situation, the entire ecosystem of our planet) will just have to deal with the consequences and fuck us all. Once again, see my (silly?) thought-reading example.

I'm saying that it should be discussed. I know it won't (the perspective of becoming 'Musk-like' rich and powerful can seldom be resisted). It never was. It probably never will be. But I still think it should be discussed because we ought to be less stupid than we always have been (stakes are much higher than ever), we ought it if not to ourselves to the next generations. I mean, I would not want to be a 10 or even a 20 year-old today when I see what's to be expected in the following decades. Heck, for the last 20 years or so my spouse and I were pretty sure we would have passed away long before shit really start hitting the fan, we're not so sure of that anymore.

Edit: typos and clarifications.

[-] Libb@jlai.lu 14 points 4 days ago
[-] Libb@jlai.lu 12 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

listening to the other(s).

submitted 6 days ago by Libb@jlai.lu to c/journaling@sh.itjust.works

This year, I wanted to start keeping a reading journal.

That’s certainly not a revolutionary idea, but I still managed to get stuck on a simple technical consideration: should I use a dedicated journal? Or write them in my existing journal, next to my usual entries? But then, how would I be able to easily spot my reading entries and distinguish them from the journal entries?

In the end, I decided I would do everything in my existing journal but that I would write reading entries in a different color from standard journal entries. It’s simple enough while still making it very easy to instantly tell them apart.

What would you do?

submitted 2 weeks ago by Libb@jlai.lu to c/journaling@sh.itjust.works

Have you decided on a New Year resolution related to journaling? Maybe to start journaling? Or to journal more, or more regularly? Or you want to start sketching in your journal, or to decorate it in some other fashion? Something else?

And have you decided on a backup resolution, in case your main resolution does not go as planned?

For 2025, I’ve decided on two things related to my reading journal. They are not huge or radical changes, mind you. They’re stuff I want to get better at because I know they will help a lot my readings.

  1. I want to read less randomly. So, I have made a six month worth reading list (6 months to begin with, to see how well it goes) that I will stick to no matter what. My issue is that I have a real tendency to drop whatever book I’m reading and start reading whatever new or shiny book I can get my hands on, which doesn’t help me move forward in the other book(s).
  2. To systematically—systematically, like in ‘making it into a true habit to’—write down a short review (summary + comment) for every book I’ve read. Was well as for anything else I will watch or listen to during that same 6 months time frame. I’ve been doing that for essays and for other serious stuff already, but I've recently realized I could not remember that well old novels and short stories I've read. So, I think it’s worth doing it for those too.

My backup plan is kinda cheating as it's there to help me not fail in my main resolutions (to read less randomly, and take more notes about the books I read):

  1. Take reading notes with every single book (or podcast). Not summarizing or analyzing it in any ways, just jotting down stuff and impressions as they occur to me. Like I used to do much younger, writing down in the margins or underlining passages save that this time I will not be doing it in the book itself (most of what I read is borrowed and when it is not I will give either give it away or resell it after reading). Doing that, even if I fail to write the short review in time I should still be able to quickly read through my notes and make something out of them.
  2. The reading list itself contains more books than I can read in six months. That is on purpose as I want to be able to switch book if I realize I can’t read one or another. For example, in that list there is Proust À la recherche du temps perdu one I’ve already tried (and failed) multiple times to read in the last 30 years. I still want to give it a chance but I know there is a high probability I will fail again and since I certainly don’t want to turn reading into a chore, if it happens once more Proust doesn’t suit me I still want to be able to switch to another author. The only thing that matters here is that I stick to the reading list.

Btw, let me know if you're interested in looking at that list or if it's something you would like to discuss more?

It comprises both English and French books but should cover a wide range of topics, from essays (philosophy, sociology, stuff like that) to fictions, spirituality, poetry, as well as plays. Starting with my undisputed favorite French playwright next to Racine: Molière). But fear not, if there are indeed quite a few classics in that list (some older than Molière) there is also a few more recent authors... and don't forget it's just for 6 months, so the second half of the year could easily and entirely be devoted to our contemporaries ;)

submitted 3 weeks ago by Libb@jlai.lu to c/communitypromo@lemmy.ca

A nice and welcoming place to discuss anything related to keeping a journal, a diary, a planner, a bullet journal, art/junk journal.
Paper and digital alike.


submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by Libb@jlai.lu to c/journaling@sh.itjust.works

A fountain pen, plus a notebook, plus some ink can make for a very much appreciated gift.

The issue is that it can cost a fortune—what about a 465$ notebook and this estimated 1 million dollars diamond incrusted fountain pen?

The good news is that it doesn’t have to cost a fortune to get a great starter (and more) journaling kit.

The following prices are indicative and based on the prices in my region (Paris, France) and on the prices of the EU online shops I generally use. No idea how much those cost in your region of the world but, in any case, don’t be afraid to compare from one shop to the next, as prices can vary widely.

  • Approx 9€, for the Art Creation sketchbook, from Royal Talens. 
The model in the photo is A5 but they’re available in A6, A4, and square formats too. It has a rigid cover available in a few flashy colors (or in black). It’s sturdy but it will lay flat when opened. It comes with a smooth ivory-colored 140gsm paper that’s great with a fountain pen and can also be used for light watercolors wash. Note that it’s a sketchbook, not your standard notebook, which means it’s plain paper and there is no lines, no dots, no nothing to guide your handwriting (it’s a matter of a few hours to get used to it).
  • Approx 5€, the Platinum Preppy fountain pen with an Extra Fine nib (also available in Fine, Medium). 
It’s the cheapest quality fountain pen I know while still being a really good writer! It’s that good that despite owning much more expensive models the Preppy is one of my three daily drivers.
  • Ink option 1: approx 5-6€ for a pack of official Platinum cartridges. Cartridges are easy to use but offer a limited selection of colors. Note that each new fountain pens already come with one ink cartridge.
  • Ink Option 2: the official ink converter from Platinum, 5-10€ (the 'Silver' and 'Gold' model will both work, here again price can vary depending where you buy).
    A converter allows to use bottled ink instead of the standard cartridges and it’s a single time purchase since you can easily refill it with your ink of choice.
  • Add to that a bottle of fountain pen ink (never put non-fountain pen ink in a fountain pen). The Waterman Serenity blue I suggest is a classic but there is an almost endless number of inks available. It’s also among the cheapest at 5,50€ for a 50 ml bottle on Amazon Fr. For comparison, a cartridge will contain between 0.6 to 1.2ml. So, 50 ml will go a long way.

If the gift is for a child, cartridges are the best choice since they’re much simpler and quicker to use, and because it’s way too easy to accidentally spill your brand new (aka full) bottle of ink on your dining table and watch it drip on your carpet—don’t ask me ;)

Any downside to this combo? Two minor ones, both related to the fountain pen itself:

  1. The plastic the Preppy is made of seems more fragile. The cap can easily be damaged. Which is real sad because it also must be the best cap I have ever encountered, no matter the pen price (capping is essential with any fountain pen, otherwise they will dry real quick and you really do not want that to happen).
  2. The Preppy looks a lot more like your standard and cheap gel pen than like a nice fountain pen.
    I don’t care about that for my own use, but as a gift it may be worth considering.

If that bothers you, check the next bundle which includes the same sketchbook and the same bottle of blue ink, plus:

Illustration: A Lamy fountain pen with its accessories and a bottle of ink

  • Approx 25€, for a Lamy Safari fountain pen.
    The Lamy Safari is the full plastic model, not to be mistaken with the similar looking but aluminum Lamy AL-Star. Like with the Preppy, you can chose a nib, this time ranging from Extra Fine to Broad.
  • Approx 5€ for the official Lamy converter (either the Lamy Z26 or the Lamy Z28 will work) + you choice of ink in bottle.
  • Or the official Lamy cartridges. I don’t give a price here because it will vary a lot, so do some comparison. Each pen comes with one blue cartridge.

The Lamy Safari is now considered a classic but it is still unique, with its simple blocky design and its bright colors. What’s great with that fountain pen is that it was designed for kids. Why does it matter?

First, the pen is sturdy (ABS plastic is solid) and, like most beginner fountain pens, its nib is steel which makes it… reliable and able to endure even the clumsier hands. That said, like all nibs, they don’t like at all being dropped on a hard surface.

Then , it’s not just fancy design. It was developed to help kids learn proper fountain pen handling. Hence the triangular-ish shape of its grip which makes sure one can only grip it right and put the nib at the correct angle to the paper. For beginners, it's a real advantage that can remove a lot of frustration when the fountain pen is not hold correctly.

Free bonus: picking the right nib size

There si a lot to be said about picking a nib, from its size and its width, to the alloy it is made of, it's flexibility and smoothness, and so on. But a beginner should only worry about its width, aka the fatness of the line it will write.

It goes from Extra Fine, to fine, to Medium, to to Broad. There are others, those are the most common.

One issue is that there is no standard agreed upon. Which means a Fine from brand A may be a Medium with brand B. Funny, right? What's even funnier is that some brands will even not use a single standard for all their products.

To hep you chose, you can keep those two simple rules of thumb in mind:

  • The smaller the handwriting, the thinner you will want you nib to be.
    Note that the thinner the nib the less smooth it will often also feel. So, it's always a matter of finding the right equilibrium between various factors.
  • It's admitted Japanese nibs are thinner than their German counterparts. Meaning a Fine from Germany will be larger than a Fine from Japan.
    Why does it matter? Well, most nibs will either be Japanese or German-made. How can you tell where it comes from? You need to do some reasearch but in our case: Preppy is Japanese brand and Lamy is German brand (Pilot is Japanese too, while Twsbi although being Asian uses German-made nibs). So a Fine from Lamy or Twsbi will be a tad larger than a fine from Preppy or Pilot.

If it is for a child, I would go with a Medium nib for the Preppy and the Lamy (maybe a Fine for Lamy if the child write real small). Why? A Medium nib will be the smoothest to use and probably the more able to withstand poor handling.

For an adult, I would pick depending their handwriting. In doubt, I would still go with a Medium but, really, having an idea of the handwriting can help a lot.

To give you an idea, I happily use an Extra Fine from Lamy and it's OK-ish to use their Fine (it's already a bit large for my tiny handwriting) where I can use Extra-Fine and Fine from Preppy without any issue, and I can even use their Medium when I don't have a choice.

Other recommandations?

The two fountain pens I mentioned are part of my daily drivers (and that is despite owning much, much more expensive fountain pens). And since I started using the Art Creation sketchbooks, I quit using all other notebooks... Here again, that is despite having access to much more expensive brands and even having learned, a few decades ago, how to bind my own notebooks using my paper of choice.

They are what I consider an excellent compromise between price and quality and ease of use (nothing beats binding your own notebook with the paper you love the most, you just won't be doing it as quickly (or as cheaply) as you can enter a shop, or click Buy).

There are many others to pick from.

  • Be it for notebooks. Brands like Leuchtturm 1917, Rhodia, Clairefontaine, Tomoe River,...
  • For fountain pens: Twsbi (edit: check their Twsbi Eco, this one doesn't even use cartridge and oes not need a convert: it uses its internal piston filling mechanism), Pilot (check 'Pilot Metropiltain*, even if I do not use thine one (I'm a fan of other Pilot fountain pens) a lot people like it for good reasons),...
  • Inks: Pilot (my favorites inks are from Pilot), Pelikan, Parker, Herbin,... And that is not even considering special inks, like fountain pen water-resistant inks:

3 bottles of waterproof fountain pen ink
De Atramentis Document ink, Roher & Klinger Sketch Ink, and (in black only) Platinum Carbon Black are three brands selling waterproof inks I use (mostly Platinum and DeAtramentis Document, but I have no issue with R&K either). One can also find a few from Noodler's, USA but I have not been their customer for almost 2 decades so I have no idea what's available anymore.

My questions, to you

Do you have any favorite fountain pen or other writing device, notebook or ink you would recommend or would use as a gift? Feel free to tell us what they are, and why you like them!

Also, let me know if this the kind of content you're interested to read more often, or if you think it doesn't belong here.

edit: typos. Re-edit: added a few references I forgot to mention for alternative fountain pens.

submitted 4 weeks ago by Libb@jlai.lu to c/journaling@sh.itjust.works

I have not. Not a single line written since the 6, and I write this on the 16.

All I have is a shaky pencil note saying 'Jeudi 12. Malade.' as for the last four days, I was simply too sick to be able to sit at my desk, and I was exhausted from the lack of sleep.

But even if I could not find any good excuse, that would still be fine with me to not be constantly writing in my journal. I have been keeping a journal of some sort for almost 50 years and during that time I have made many pauses. Some of which lasted a year, or two. That's part of the process as far as I'm concerned.

What I have recently started doing when such a break happens is to write down a quick summary for the concerned days (it has been a while since I have had a break lasting more than a week or two), writing down the few the things I consider noteworthy, or the ones I can remember. Like how I almost suffocated to death yesterday laughing so hard and coughing and trying to catch my breast at the same time, because of that silly joke my spouse was telling me ;)

Are you OK with breaks/interruptions in your journals, or are you trying your best to be consistant?

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by Libb@jlai.lu to c/fedigrow@lemm.ee

I've recently started trying to revitalize a niche community (!journaling@sh.itjust.works) that had been silent for a year or so, simply by posting more content. I have been made a moderator by the instance owners (so I could do any cleaning/maintenance if that was needed).

I have been posting for almost a month and got my very first new post, by another user than me I mean, in the last 24h. That was so effing cool! And it also was real good content for our niche.

That said, I still want to post more stuff.

And I would like to also renew the old banner and icon which I think is meh. I even made a mock-up I wanted to put online and then see if members liked it. That's when I started worrying it might be a very stupid idea.

I don't want members to feel like I'm taking hold of anything. My sole objective is to encourage more people to post more, and to help make the community as welcoming and alive as I can. But by doing too much I'm afraid I would only make members feel I'm making it 'mine'.

Instead of doing that, I considered asking all members their opinion about renewing the banner, and invite them to submit their own propositions. But, here again, I'm worrying:

  1. They could feel bombarded by my too many posts and/or intimidated by my invitation to participate.
  2. And then, if we were to organize some friendly competition, how would I (and why me?) pick the winning proposition? By a vote? Sure, but then I'm afraid people would encourage their friends to vote for them which would not be fair to people with fewer friends.

So, here I am. A bit naive and afraid I could do more arm than good.

What do you think? Do I worry too much?

Do you have any practical suggestion? Should I post less? Should I give up on that banner idea? (I really think a new and less serious banner could help but it's also not an obsession, so...)

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by Libb@jlai.lu to c/journaling@sh.itjust.works

I added a limited selection of links to (what I consider) interesting Lemmy communities, in the sidebar.

  • As a fountain pen user myself, the !fountainpens@lemmy.world seemed quite obvious. Note that I would love to add a link to a Bic/ballpoint pen, pencil, and to other writing implements communities, if you know any or feel like creating a new one :)
  • The !pkms@lemmy.blahaj.zone is all about Personal Knowledge Management which, in its own unique way, a journal can also be. If you’re wondering, next to my journal I also write a lot in my Zetellkasten and yep, like my journal it is an analog one: after many years and many attempt trying and trying again to be full digital I decided it was time to fully commit to analog.
  • !artshare@lemmy.world and !watercolor@lemmy.ml are all about posting art. I don’t know about you, but I like art books a lot and I also like to look at art online. I also sketch in my journal and even though I'm no artist, I like that a lot. I find it inspiring to look at the work of others.

Are there other communities that you would like to suggest? It goes without saying but better be clear: no politics, no hate, no porn. Only stuff that you think relates to journaling in some way. Do you know a community around office supply or notebooks or a community dedicated to sketching, maybe?

What do you think about having those links? Is it a ‘Yeah!’ or is it a ‘Nay’?

Keep in mind this is only a proposition, let your voice be heard :)

Edit: in case you did not noticed it, I also slightly updated the rules/description.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by Libb@jlai.lu to c/journaling@sh.itjust.works

It is a recurring topic on the reddit Journaling sub, Mom accidentally read my Journal, or My cousin read my diary, and so on. Bet it a cousin, a dad, a mom (my mom read my journal when I was a kid and my life changed, not for the best), siblings, SO, colleagues,... People may rightfully feel devastated after someone read their journal without their permission.

It goes without saying that no one should read a journal without being invited to. And that there is no such thing as an 'accidental reading' of a journal.

Anyone accidentally reading more than a few words of the first page in a journal is doing it on purpose. They decided to read (a little, or a lot more of) the intimate thoughts and words of another other person because they wanted to read it.

Do you protect the privacy of your journal? And if so, how?

I used to, as a kid (after the 'mom even' I mentioned). I learned to replace names with fictitious ones, and to hide my journal in odd places. I also very quickly learned to write in English, because she could not read English and because, back in those days, there was no such thing as the Internet with instant-translation. Also, I knew very well she would never dare ask anyone to translate it for her, she was way too afraid of people reaction and judgment. She did try to coerce me into translating it, though... with little luck. Later, I learned to... destroy all my old journals, in order to preserve my privacy.

As a young adult, I kept it hidden in a box or in a drawer with a lock.

And as a less young adult, I quit hiding it. I did kept regularly destroying it, alas. A sad habit I only quit recently.

Nowadays, my journal sits on my desk (and the few remaining old ones are in plain sight on a bookshelf). My spouse could easily take it and read it the moment I turn away. But I know she would never do that, not without me telling her to read it. Like she knows I would never go through her paper without her permission. In the 25 years we’ve been together, we’ve learned to trust each other and to be OK with not sharing everything together, We both have our little if not secret at least they're private gardens. But I also realize I’m very lucky to live with someone like her.

Have you ever experimented such an intrusion in your privacy? Or would that be ok for you?

If privacy matters to you, how do you manage to protect it? Do you ask to your SO other, or kids or whomever to simply respect your privacy, do you store it in some place? Do you use a password protected digital journal? Or?

Digital is safer?

As much as I prefer a paper and pen journal, I must admit that a digital journal is probably the best option for anyone concerned with privacy.

Be it in most word processors, like LibreOffice Writer (which is free), MS Word, or even Apple Pages, it’s very easy to password protect a document so no one can open it without knowing that password. And if you’re using a dedicated journaling app (like DayOne that I have used for many, many years next to my paper journal), there is an option to password protect it. And I'm pretty sure it's the case with most if not all apps.

Feel free to share your own experience!

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by Libb@jlai.lu to c/journaling@sh.itjust.works

One of the reasons I see people advance when explaining why they gave up on regularly keeping a journal—a pen and paper journal, I mean—is that writing longhand can be exhausting.

Sadly, they’re right.

One can quickly get cramped fingers or a tired hand and wrist, which won’t do much to encourage anyone to pick up their pen and write a little more in their journal.

But what’s even sadder is that there is an easy fix: use the right pen.

OK, to be exact there are three things one should consider:

  • the paper used,
  • the position we're sitting in and the ergonomics in general,
  • the pen used.

In conjunction, they can as easily drain all our energy or help preserve it tremendously. And writing is all about managing one's energy.

Imho, of those three things the simplest thing to change is the pen. To find one that will work great for you. One that you will enjoy writing with, instead of dreading it.

Take the ballpoint pen for example.

I'm willing to bet it's the most widely used writing device anywhere on the planet. From the cheap Bic crystal to the expensive Montblanc Meisterstück, even the classic Jotter from Parker, all ballpoint pens work exactly the same. They use a tiny ball to dispense an oil-based (aka thick) ink when they're pressed hard enough on the sheet of paper. They're incredibly reliable and practical. They can be used in almost any position and anywhere—even in space.

Alas, it's also the one requiring the most force to write with (even the space pen requires force, just a different one). As one does need to press them hard enough on the paper otherwise it will not leave a mark and because one needs force, one also needs to grip it tight.

A ballpoint pen is a great tool but if you have any excessive fatigue writing with one, or with any other tool for that matter, imho it’s worth trying something different.

Ballpoint pen, gel pen, rollerball, pencils, markers, fountain pen, maybe a dip pen and why not the quill, and I certainly forgot to name quite a few others.

What's you favorite? And do you have one dedicated to journaling?

My favorite depends on what I’m writing. For short notes on the go, I’m an official fan of the cheap Bic and the Uniball Eye (this one is a rollerball pen). For years, I also used one of those Bullet Space Pen (it was incredibly reliable). For anything longer than a short note? I’m a fountain pen guy.

Alas, unlike with a ballpoint pen, there are many wrong ways to use a fountain pen which can make the experience less than... effortless.

Back in my days, it was part of the lessons but since kids aren't been taught to use a fountain pen anymore there is a high risk that even the more adventurous may not fully enjoy using a fountain pen if they try one. Simply because they aren't taught how to properly use it.

In case you would like to know more about that, here is a great introductory video on the subject: How to Write with a Fountain Pen. It’s made by the Goulet Pens Company, a fountain pen seller in the USA. I’m not affiliated with them, I'm not even one of their customers. It's just an overall excellent series of advice. You may also watch their other beginner videos. And here is a written article which is excellent too, this one was made by JetPens, another US seller I’m not affiliated with: How to Write with a Fountain Pen.

Before I leave you, I have a request

Let me know if you think this kind of topic is interesting or if you think it does not belong here. Obviously, I find it interesting but I’m also experimenting stuff, trying to find ways to encourage people to post and to comment. So, any feedback will be appreciated :)

submitted 1 month ago by Libb@jlai.lu to c/pkms@lemmy.blahaj.zone

Hello guys,

I'm new to the community but have been a Zettelkasten user for quite some time.

The thing is that my Zettelkasten is full analog, not digital. Yep, I use some pen to write on index cards that are then stored in boxes. Like some caveman ;)

It's low-tech not because I'm averse to digital, mind you. It's just that I prefer being able to freely spread and order my index cards on a table as I see fit, and a few other reasons like that (like being away from a screen).

Is the community digital-only, or would that be OK to post about analog too?


submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by Libb@jlai.lu to c/meta@jlai.lu

J’ai très envie de créer une communauté dédiée au Zettelkasten qui est, pour la poignée de personnes qui ne connaitraient pas déjà, la version Allemande du kama… Heu, non, c'est pas ça. C'est une technique de prise et de gestion des notes formalisée par un universitaire allemand.

Bref, c’est un truc qui ne s’adresse pas exclusivement aux universitaires (j’en suis pas un) mais qui reste très niche. Cela n’aidera évidemment pas à attirer des masses d’annonceurs, j’en suis conscient.

Là où ça devient carrément encore plus niche, c’est que si je crée cette communauté, elle sera focus sur la version ‘papier’ ou analogique du zettelkasten (des fiches bristol dans une ou plusieurs boites à chaussures, en gros) et pas sur les nombreuses déclinaisons digitales qui sont plus populaires de nos jours. Je suis certain que c’est très bien, et j’en ai testé un paquet moi-même, mais j’ai jamais réussi à y trouver la même souplesse que dans mes ‘vieilles’ fiches bristol toutes bêtes, du coup je me sentirais mal placé pour modérer quoi que ce soit de ce point de vue (et j'ai aussi un peu peur que ma pauvre version paper soit noyée sous un flot de conversations digitales). Bref, si c'est analogique ça va encore attirer moins de monde.

Du coup, je me dis que le plus sage ce serait de la créer en anglais, pour qu’un max de monde s’y sente les bienvenus.

En lisant le descriptif de Jlail.lu dans la barre latérale, je lis que l'utilisateur anglophone est bienvenue. mais je ne sais pas si cela implique d'accueillir une communauté ouvertement et hypothétiquement complètement anglophone? Ou bien vous diriez que mes fiches bristol et moi ont peut aller se faire fry an egg chez les rosbifs ou chez les yankees? :P

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by Libb@jlai.lu to c/journaling@sh.itjust.works

It's a question I just read on our Reddit cousin sub Journaling that’s worth sharing, imho.

The op seems to be concerned by the fear of the blank page and also seems to have a hard time expressing their emotions in written form.

Is it something that intimidates you too?

To avoid being intimidated by any new notebook, I have made it a habit to ruin its first page. Either by making some stupid drawing on it, or by staining it with ink. Like, literally staining the page.


Here is the first page of my current journal (left) and previous one (right). One is mere stains and scratchy nibs. The other is written in French and it reads 'Tuesday, 28th May 2024' (I only write the full date on the very first entry of a journal) 'To finish—therefore to start a journal' and next to this very deep thought I did a sketch of the XLR plug of my microphone that was lying on my desk.

Now, why should I care about ‘damaging’ my pretty journal? It's already a mess. And I find that incredibly liberating.

Have you ever done that? Or what else do you do to avoid the 'fear of the blank page/new notebook'? Or you simply don't care and start writing?

As for actually writing stuff in the journal, like I mentioned previously), the simplest thing I can think of is to write down the day and the date, plus some tidbits of info I value keeping. I may or may not write more below those snippets, and I may or may not do it every single day either. It doesn’t matter.

I have no set rule if I shall write in the morning to recap the previous day, or summarize the day right before I go to bed. Or write at any specific time in between.

What about you? Do you have any rules?

Lastly, what about writing down emotions? That’s very personal, obviously.

The key point to keep in mind regarding the way I journal is that I don’t care much about writing well in my journal. It’s not a novel or some paper I want anyone else to read. It's merely a collection of short and random notes about what happens around me, or in my head, I want to remember or reflect upon. So, I try to write them as they pop in my head. Well, it’s a tad more nuanced than that but it would take much longer to explain and maybe it’s worth discussing in its own thread?
What do you say?

... and how do you journal about your emotions, if at all?

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