At least in Europe, there are a few big reasons. First and foremost combustion engines are more profitable. EV require a lot of R&D and factory investment, which is not needed for old school combustion engines. The other part is a shrinking car market. Covid means a lot more work from home and at least in Europe, you generally have the option of doing a lot of things on foot, bicycle or public transport. At the same time, when you drive less you do not go for a new car as quickly. Then you have cost. Due to supply chain issues battery prices have not fallen quickly enough. There was a bit of time, when they were stable. Good news is that they are falling again.
In other words, this is a difficult transition and some car makers are going to fail.
2months ago CovertCabal did a video counting the tanks Russia has left in storage. He came to 700 good conditioned tanks. Obviously Russia still has a lot more in service. However Oryx has Russian tank losses at 3368 tanks and the offical Ukranian estimates are at 8639 so even higher. The truth is probably somewhere between those two numbers.
However whatever it is, it shows that Russia just can not sustain those kinds of losses and they have to be more careful. Good news for Ukraine.