[-] Munrock@lemmygrad.ml 1 points 1 minute ago

If I can use it selectively, I’d like to not convert Tanner’s parents because it would be funny.

But do convert Tanner.

[-] Munrock@lemmygrad.ml 17 points 1 day ago

SCOTUS said he could

[-] Munrock@lemmygrad.ml 2 points 2 days ago

TLDR: Folks, vote harder.

[-] Munrock@lemmygrad.ml 18 points 2 days ago

What did that climate bill she's talking about actually do? When it comes to the US and climate, all I'm aware of is they propagandise against buying Chinese solar panels, propagandose against EVs and hinder the development of support infrastructure for them, and refuse to ratify international agreements.

[-] Munrock@lemmygrad.ml 3 points 4 days ago

Trump is just nervously inching closer and closer to Joe

And then they kiss

[-] Munrock@lemmygrad.ml 20 points 4 days ago

Guy's just feeling uncomfortable because under traditional gender role expectations she is 'outmanning' him by a country mile.

[-] Munrock@lemmygrad.ml 6 points 5 days ago

chances are, they’d think you’re a Marxist or someone old-fashioned in their speech…

This isn't a good thing; it's a result of a concerted effort to make people think Marxism is old and irrelevant.

I really dislike the notion that we should stop using the term 'bourgeoisie' just because of the pop notion that it's an outdated word and that nobody knows how to spell it.

Yes, the English language is constantly evolving and terms fall out of use, but as they do so the language doesn't just reflect the dominant thought patterns but reinforces them. English has a high chance to remain the most popular global lingua franca even after Western hegemony falls, and the evolution of the language will remain a battle ground.

There is slow progress in people learning that liberalism means liberty for markets and not for people, but most people still think it means liberation of individuals, genders and minorities. The fastest way to 'liberate' someone from that error is to get them understanding the class conflict, and the term 'bourgeoisie' is still relevant to that.

[-] Munrock@lemmygrad.ml 57 points 2 months ago

I love this protest sign:

As if the US Government gives a shit about Americans' quality of life.

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by Munrock@lemmygrad.ml to c/genzedong@lemmygrad.ml

David Rovics moving quickly again


When you decide if he gets your critical support, the transphobia accusation is 100% legit.

But the stuff I hear about him not being socialist, grifting, opportunism... the man has held the same positions on Western Imperialism and worker's rights consistently since the 70s. Demonstrably so. Loudly so.

submitted 4 months ago by Munrock@lemmygrad.ml to c/sino@hexbear.net
[-] Munrock@lemmygrad.ml 63 points 6 months ago

First "that phrase is a call for genocide because we said so" combined with the more recent "maybe we should stop calling everything 'genocide'" whenever anyone describes what Israel is doing.

Utterly cooked.

[-] Munrock@lemmygrad.ml 81 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Christ the comments here are exactly like the thread about China officially supporting a two-state solution.

"I understand the material reasons why China said what it said but I'm still gonna criticize them for not saying something far more immediately gratifying, even though I understand how it would completely undermine everything they're working to achieve."

You're all smarter than this. You all know who benefits most if China drops the ball to have a little gloat. Their words are lamenting Kissinger's passing, but their actions are continuing to destroy his legacy.

[-] Munrock@lemmygrad.ml 58 points 8 months ago

Lemmy.world will always take immediate action to remove and ban any posts or comments that incite violence or propagate hatred.

Most of the .world comments I've seen here fit that criteria.

[-] Munrock@lemmygrad.ml 78 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

So let me ask this; who is really censoring who here?

There's a youtube video I watched 3 years ago, by a Chinese content creator about the great firewall. His closing comment was a prediction that over 5-10 years we'd see China slowly reduce its internet censorship and 'other nations' start to build their own. It's looking more and more like that's going to be the case, and it's happening even faster below the national censorship level. The pattern of who's defederating from whom is another facet of that.

Truth is a powerful ally.

Let them hide. Their users know where to find us when they get curious about what's on the other side.


Say I view a lemmy post or mastodon toot on a different site, getting there from a link shared via any other medium: how do I view it through my home instance?

For example if I view a lemmy.ml thread on lemmy.ml, I can read it but can't a comment or vote as I'm not 'logged in.' Presumably the solution is to convert the URL to a lemmygrad one, but I'm not sure how to go about it. The URL usually has just a post ID, which presumably is unique only to that instance, and not something my home instance would necessarily recognise.


This was a lecture given to foreign teachers, in English, by Miriam Lau - former member of the Legislative Council (Hong Kong's legislative branch of government) and former member of the National People's Congress.

The context of this lecture is that teachers in Hong Kong must now pass an exam showing sufficient understanding of the National Security Laws and its implementation, in order to apply for new jobs.

Note that Miriam Lau is not a Marxist-Leninist or Communist. She's a Pro-Beijing Conservative Liberal, and a solicitor (although there were a lot of snarky liberals in the audience that had no idea who she was and just assumed she was a Commie). However, there's a lot of useful information here for debunking the accusations libs make that the NSL destroys Hong Kong's freedoms.

One thing I learned from this lecture is that the Court of Final Appeal (HK's highest court) has the power of final adjudication in HK. You can't take your case to a higher court after the CFA makes a ruling. It's like if California didn't answer to the Supreme Court, had its own "Supreme Court of California" instead, and didn't have any nationality requirements for its judges apart from the Chief Justice, with most of the judges being foreigners. Compare that to any autonomous territory in any other country.

Part 1 - The Constitution, The Basic Law, and One Country Two Systems

Part 2 - National Security Law

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by Munrock@lemmygrad.ml to c/comradeship@lemmygrad.ml

(In this instance, legally safe ones)

I went to a lecture today entitled

Relationship between the PRC Constitution, the Hong Kong Basic Law, “One Country, Two Systems” and the Hong Kong National Security Law

and I wanted to share the slides, 'cos it was a good talk for anyone interested in how the National Security Law actually works, and it also introduces the basics of how the Central Government and Hong Kong regional government function (the lecture was for English speaking teachers in Hong Kong, so a lot of them were clueless). And a lot of useful facts to debunk accusations that HK's autonomy is fake.

The files are in pdf format.

Also the speaker was Miriam Lau, who used to be a member of the National People's Congress. First time I got to meet someone from China's highest organ of state power (but she's not communist though; she's a Beijing loyalist conservative).

edit: post is here

submitted 1 year ago by Munrock@lemmygrad.ml to c/games@lemmygrad.ml

One of their games, China: Mao's Legacy is only HKD15 (less than 2 Euros) on Steam at the moment.

It looks like a political simulator playing as Hua Guofeng with a lot of historical narrative events that give you the option to deviate from what Hua actually did.

Obviously that kind of gaming experience will vary greatly depending on the ideology of its writers, so I'm wondering if anyone here has experience with them.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by Munrock@lemmygrad.ml to c/startrek@lemmygrad.ml


Just sharing this info because it feels good to see it acknowledged.

edit: removed a spoiler because apparently the spoiler tags don't hide the text when the post appears in lists


My Surfshark subscription just ran out.

I found it a little sus when they removed their Russian endpoints after the Ukraine war started, so I don't want to renew with them. If they're going to bend the knee when it comes to US policies against Russia, where are they going to stand when the three-letter agencies ask for backdoors?

Open to any and all suggestions!


He started out as a comedian and satirical columnist in Hong Kong. As tensions in the city rose in 2019 he became outspokenly pro-China, pro-Socialism and pro-Community, and still managed to keep a cheerful, humorous vibe in all his work.

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