I'm starting to understand how people like Trump keep getting into office. Either you have no reading comprehension, or you're being completely disingenuous. I'm a highschool dropout making low 6 figures that's lucky enough to have a few merger assets and a 401k, and I'm "worth" more than AOC. I'm also 10 years older than her.
joined 1 month ago
Uninstalled as well, and truly appreciate the heads up.
I've only seen this recently myself, when the orange shit stain started mentioning trade deficits.. but they seem to grasp that concept about as well as they do tariffs.
Well done!
Thank you, you genuinely made me laugh, and I needed it. Stay safe and funny!
Thank you!! That's the first thought that popped into my head when I saw the original article! Didn't.. didn't YOU steal all YOUR data?
We did, that's why we voted for the adult instead of the orange turd that claimed he could fix it in one day. So since we were obviously wrong, and it's been what, weeks of one days, it seems fair to mention.
Dude.. what do you think net worth is? Her income is higher than mine.