They'll kill him like they killed the protestor who shot a fascist during the BLM protests in 2020:
Can't have someone setting a precedent walking around
In my experience, if you allow yourself to be vulnerable (really vulnerable, not the kind of vulnerable where you just shed a single tear while watching Old Yeller) with a woman, it usually marks the end of the relationship. It won't happen immediately, but she'll become disgusted that you're not holding up your end of the gender role bargain, and things start to fall apart.
Obviously not all women are like this, and I don't want to come across like an incel screeching about females, but I've had a couple of relationships fail after a moment of "weakness," even if I thought my partner was progressive about heteronormativity. I think this is one of the nasty ways that the patriarchy programs women in particular and is yet another example of why it harms us all.