[-] RQG@lemmy.world 68 points 6 months ago

It's a watchdog.

[-] RQG@lemmy.world 67 points 7 months ago

Dieses Feindbilder erfinden geht mir so auf den Sack. Es geht nur darum, sich als Opfer hinzustellen. Es geht darum, die Gegenseite aus dem Diskurs zu verbannen, indem man ihr unterstellt die eigene Freiheit zu beschneiden. Es geht darum, die eigenen extremen Meinungen salonfähig zu machen und so den Diskurs in die eigene radikale Ecke zu schieben.

Man kann sagen was man möchte. Wenn es gegen das gesetzt ist, wird man ggf. bestraft. Wenn es vielen Leuten nicht gefällt, dann bekommt man mit denen ggf. Schwierigkeiten. In Form von verbalem Gegenwind, Ausgrenzung und im schlimmsten Falle auch in ungesetzlicher Form. Diese wird dann hoffentlich auch bestraft, wie zb Drohung und Gewalt. Das ist umfassend alles was dazu hier in Deutschland passiert meiner Auffassung nach. Und in den meisten freiheitliche Demokratien ist das wohl ähnlich.

Heute kann man mehr sagen ohne ernsthafte Konsequenzen befürchten zu müssen als vermutlich jemals zuvor. Sowohl rechts als auch links. Es gibt in der Politik zum Beispiel in der CDU und AfD menschen, die sich öffentlich antisemitisch und rassistisch geäußert haben und immer noch dasselbe Amt bekleiden, wie davor. Zudem kann man heute sagen, dass man schwul oder trabsexuell ist. Dafür würde einem vor nicht allzu langer Zeit schlimmes angetan. Also wird dieses Problem meiner Meinung nach nicht nur instrumentalisiert. Sondern erfunden.

[-] RQG@lemmy.world 65 points 7 months ago

Hey black mirror had this where they had to watch an ad and looking away was illegal. We're getting there with Google and their recent and announced YouTube and Chrome changes.

[-] RQG@lemmy.world 65 points 7 months ago

I found since people are used to app stores, I've had a much easier time convincing people to try out Linux. My mom even said that she always wished her windows PC had a proper app store.

[-] RQG@lemmy.world 73 points 7 months ago

Notwendig sei stattdessen eine "grundsätzliche Auseinandersetzung darüber, was wir finanzieren können und was nicht".

Lass mich raten. Soziale Projekte, Bildung, erneuerbare Energie und ÖPNV sind leider nicht mehr drin.

Aber falls irgendwo in Deutschland ein Großunternehmer Geld braucht findet sich schon etwas. Keine Sorge.

[-] RQG@lemmy.world 73 points 9 months ago

Der Markt regelt?

[-] RQG@lemmy.world 66 points 10 months ago

Having largely undisclosed and privately owned platforms and algorithms dictate and decide our cultural exchange, spread of news, topics of discourse and other societally important interactions is such a horrible idea. I wish this was more obvious to the public so governments would end this. It divides sociaties, poisons public discourse and skews it with racist biases and towards hatred.

[-] RQG@lemmy.world 73 points 10 months ago

I always found the rules about public drinking in the US to be more strange than the drinking age.

[-] RQG@lemmy.world 61 points 10 months ago

If listing every fee is too hard then there should be less fees.

[-] RQG@lemmy.world 66 points 10 months ago

I'm not through the whole video yet but I think you can cut the tech from the title. That's just YouTube or even social media in general. Ego, dogmatism and cult of personality.

[-] RQG@lemmy.world 64 points 11 months ago

And now the same conservatives who led the government for 16 years will blame the current socdem+green+liberal government for wasting so much money on this problem. Sigh.

[-] RQG@lemmy.world 62 points 11 months ago

Ich hab schon immer gesagt dass es keinen Sinn ergibt dass die konservativen und rechten sich so oft auf das Christentum berufen. Jesus Christus himself ist in deren Buch ein Linker, der Strukturen aufbricht, soziales Denken lehrt und das horten von Besitz verurteilt.

Der CDU wurde ja nicht umsonst mal das C geklaut.


submitted 1 year ago by RQG@lemmy.world to c/adhd@lemmy.world

I'm posting because I'm a bit bummed out I guess. I began the whole diagnosis process because I wanted clarity of wtf is going on with me. A clear no it's not ADHD would maybe even have been a more satisfying answer than this.

Apparently I either have ADHD and my high intelligence allows me to compensate so much it masks symptoms for the tests. They did two intelligence tests which came out way above average it seems. I hope this doesn't come off as bragging. It really isn't as much of a gift as it may seem.

Or I don't have ADHD but my cognitive function shows some similarities. And I'm also super smart. But somehow I can't put it to use when it comes to my life due to issues with emotional regulation and tolerance for frustration which I don't have much off.

How this affects my life is I can't focus or do things I don't find interesting at all. Same with things that don't offer anything new to me. Being intelligent means I understand and figure out new things super quickly. But that means I get bored quicker and then struggle to do the thing. So I hopped jobs, surprise everyone how crazy good I am at the job and what a fast learner I am and whatnot. Then I hop job to the next. It never amounts to anything. And I got burnout or boreout. Depression. All that fun stuff.

Buf They can't tell for sure which one it is by the metrics they use. Which just is so unsatisfying after it took to long.

The good news is the result still qualifies me for trying out meds should I decide to do so. Same for getting therapy paid for by insurance. It's nice to have options so I'm happy for that.

Thanks for letting me vent my frustrations.

Time to Troll (lemmy.world)

Slap chopped a troll and added some highlights with regular acrylics. Super fun to paint this way sometimes imo.

More pics:

submitted 1 year ago by RQG@lemmy.world to c/boardgames@feddit.de

With the question for smaller solo games already posted I want to ask if any of you got some large and deep solo games. I'm usually someone who does enjoy longer, bigger and deeper games (not saying small games can't be deep). But when things get more involved and complex, that's where I feel at home.

Any recommendations?


more pics

and some more

Quick and dirty paint job in time for Thursday night Pathfinder game. Printed on Mars3. Sculpts by Artisan Guild.


I noticed a severe lack of undead among my minis. More skellies to follow.

Models are 3D printed on my Mars3 and designer by Artisan Guild.

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