[-] RedAggroBest@lemmy.world 2 points 16 hours ago

Not really that fragile, you (generalizing for most of Lemmy) just put excessive strain on it by sitting at a desk and using a computer.

The other big one is brachial impingement because you all slouch and your shoulders get so fucked up they pinch the nerve for 90% of your fuckin arm.

[-] RedAggroBest@lemmy.world 3 points 1 day ago

This is me and it's painful. My wonderful partner has developed a 6th sense for if I must've forgot to hit send on a reply

[-] RedAggroBest@lemmy.world 14 points 6 days ago

Gotta love having zero working memory. I'd love to be able to remember something for a few hours without it getting locked in the Evergaol of my long term memory.

[-] RedAggroBest@lemmy.world 5 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

Can someone redo the image but outline what actually constitutes Heathrow rather than Heathrow-plus-surrounding-area. It makes it a much harder read, especially since the red is pretty cleanly laid over a rectangular area of the airport that makes it look like it's the whole airport.

My first thought was "Half? They're even labeled to the same size?" And took a second to realize that more than just that are is Heathrow.

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by RedAggroBest@lemmy.world to c/unpopularopinion@lemmy.world

I seriously cannot have any degree of nuanced conversation here.

Like I get it, we all know capitalism is bad, but it feels like every time I or anyone go towards discussing the steps that need to be taken to address current looming problems in the short term, someone has to jump in and shut it down with "capitalism bad >:[ " and tear down any idea presented because its not complete and total destruction of the current economic model.

The result just feels like an echo chamber where no actual solutions get presented other than someone posting whole ass dissertations on their 33-step (where 30/33 steps are about as vague as "we'll just handle it") plan to fully convert the world to an anarchist commune.

Edit: I still vastly prefer Lemmy and the fediverse and a whole, my complaint here is that many of you are TOO INTENSE. You blow up small scale discussion.

[-] RedAggroBest@lemmy.world 54 points 5 months ago

When someone says their burritos won't stay shut I immediately know that they don't know what they're doing.

[-] RedAggroBest@lemmy.world 51 points 5 months ago

So the importance here is it seems they've found a way to trigger the Tun state that make tardigrades tough (and which outside they very much are not) which would allow more consistent experiment design around tuns

[-] RedAggroBest@lemmy.world 43 points 7 months ago

It's Crusader Kings so probably something about marrying your sister.

[-] RedAggroBest@lemmy.world 74 points 10 months ago

Of all the games to comment this on, BG3 is one game that is justified at full price for the sheer density of it, and all of it interesting. From day one they were hotfixing and it's never run badly, just not perfectly optimized.

I get gaming on a budget but this comment really sounds like hate trying to say it doesn't deserve full price.

[-] RedAggroBest@lemmy.world 49 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Not quite, the vaccine is only part of it. The Milwaukee Protocol involves putting the patient into a coma and dropping their body temp so low that the virus can't spread (should note that low core temps are why marsupials like opossums are damn near immune) because once symptoms are showing it's actively turning your brain to mush. Between the virus already being present and the coma, brain damage is basically guaranteed despite survival.

Iirc only 29 people recorded as surviving. We should note that rabies has a written record going back to the start of writing. 29, in 4 millennia.

Rabies is scary as fuck y'all. You can get this shit from getting an organ transplant from someone who never knew they were infected after being bitten by a bat while camping last year.

https://youtu.be/kxBIJvNHZg4?si=2MjzGA2caKFIcBcM here's a video that's pretty disturbing if you're wanting to see what dying of rabies looks like. Spoilers, it's awful.

[-] RedAggroBest@lemmy.world 39 points 10 months ago

The obvious conspiracy theory here is that Putin is dead and being deep faked by oligarchs(?) behind the curtain. We can extend this logic to say that Wagner backed out of their mutiny for seemingly no reason because Prigozhin was shown behind the curtain and was promised his own place behind the Putin-face. Ofc rather than dilute their own power to a mercenary with questionable ambitions, they just fuckin shot him down as he was safely preparing to "exile" to keep the story straight.

[-] RedAggroBest@lemmy.world 47 points 10 months ago

The dickweed couldn't even bother to find out that the context of the pic is the dude continuously threatening govt officials. This 74yo asswipe wasn't hunting shit.

[-] RedAggroBest@lemmy.world 47 points 11 months ago

No cameras in fed courtrooms is a blessing and a curse. He can't treat the room like a stage, but he can say anything he wants about what happened in the courtroom because his base won't read.

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