It's the UN. Why does it fall on the US to do anything while all of the EU kicks back and does nothing as well? Defend your people.
I mean, stadiums don't stay permanent shelters. We use temporary housing pretty often for emergencies, but I could see it turning into "sanctuary city" like structure as well.
As long as it's a temporary stop for the people in it, I think it's ok. It should be safe and comfortable, but also not their best housing option. I would like to see the bottom floor permanently converted into satellite offices for social services as well to better serve these groups, with the goal of getting them the assistance to leave the structure ASAP.
I feel it would be ideal for temporary shelters though. Larger public restrooms. Offices and cubicle partitions likely left over. Climate controls and often small kitchens.
This is a hate crime.
Pathetic. You can't even see that's exactly what you're doing even after so many examples. We've seen this play out before.
You don't exist in a country with a voting system where abstaining from participating in the 2 party system makes you not culpable for the outcome when 1 party has vocalized their intent for violence.
"The enemy of my enemy is my friend."
So you are knowingly throwing your vote away then. Ok. If your voice matters so little, no need to engage on a forum. Look in the mirror and ask what the point of wasting your moments literally telling everyone you don't value your own vote.
No.... THAT is my answer. You asked what would prevent the Dems from sliding right and that was my answer. It's the same thing that caused the Republicans to slide right.
You have the example in the Tea party movement to see how it effectively changes the party when down ballot voting shifts.
That's how it's done. There's recent proof of it.
PS: You didn't answer MY question.
All the other elections every year. The party pays attention to the local and state elections. It matters tremendously. And in the mean time you are improving your local government that effects your everyday life.
Voting 3rd in the presidential election is a waste if the party hasn't spent any time building support in existing government structures of power though.
Does a third party have some special avenue around an obstructionist house and senate that we all haven't seen so far?
"Well I'm getting out of this uncomfortable suit!"
It's obviously bullshit.
Could you imagine sitting through a survey with over a thousand logos and plants to be able to reach this conclusion?😆
Yup and it's another good reason for unions. If you can voice dissent or protest without fear of your livelihood being taken away, the world is a better place for it.
The more well known something is, the more criticism it will receive. Also with movie prices going up and Disney reminding everyone each year how little they care about fans, it's not a surprise people have cooled on their decade old properties.
They are also spending more to make objectively less exciting projects. When the first Avengers movies were coming out it was impressive how well they brought comics to life. It's not impressive any more with so many examples, so they aren't pushing the bounds of expectations anymore. They have to wow people now with writing and performances.
I think the decision makers are also making more diversity choices (in the wrong way) and have the PR teams talk too much about how proud they are of their DEI choices instead of how they like the movie they made.
Black Nick Fury is best Nick Fury. Black Panther was incredibly well received. I felt like Moonknoght was better received than I was expecting. Miles Morales was a very popular Spiderman iteration. So I don't think it's just racism.
They just need to acknowledge who's actually buying tickets. It sometimes feels like the same complaints people make about the WNBA not making a bunch of money.