
joined 2 years ago
[–] Schadrach 1 points 1 hour ago

You're right, it's currently still hung up in procedure. Even then, he could have ordered his DWA to reschedule it, and instead had them do what they've done. He also waited long enough that when it happens, Trump will get the credit despite having had nothing to do with the process.

[–] Schadrach 7 points 20 hours ago (3 children)

... because they didn't.

...and when they do, it becomes because they don't have a large enough majority. If they had a filibuster -peoof majority, it would be because they don't have a veto-proof majority even if they also held the executive.

To put it another way, Biden had the power to fully legalize marijuana at any time because drug scheduled can be changed by process from either the legislative or executive branches. Instead he had it rescheduled. Because Dems only operate in half measures federally, because they are controlled opposition.

[–] Schadrach 4 points 22 hours ago

After having given a speech to it's creators about it, calling it a "plan for our movement", yes. There is video available.

[–] Schadrach 2 points 3 days ago

The blue check went through some twists and turns. Originally it was meant as "your identity is verified", then it became a status symbol, then it had extra features attached to it. At one point the people approving them were literally taking bribes to expedite or guarantee your blue check (like personal bribes, not a payment to Twitter). And at some point along the way it somehow became a "Twitter approves" thing, because at least one person had their blue check stripped for going too far as a right wing troll (Milo Yianno-whatever). All of that pre-Muak.

Post-Musk, it's just a subscription you pay for with some extra features and there's now a different checkmark for corporate or government entities that merely verifies their identity.

[–] Schadrach 3 points 4 days ago

How can a car like this be SO vulnerable?

I'd be tempted to see how they respond to a salt and acid mixture. Maybe even just something as mild as heavily salted lemon juice as an experiment. Depending on how those stainless panels are treated it could be effective. Acids and chlorides are hard on the passive layer of regular stainless, which is what protects the underlying metal. Maybe a different acid+salt mixture that won't have as obvious a smell after it evaporates? Would make for some "fun" "water" balloons or "water" guns, especially to play with at night. Without your phone on hand. While wearing a mask and plain black hoodie as PPE, of course.

[–] Schadrach 1 points 4 days ago (1 children)

Haha, Leviathan was certainly the “big bad” in Job.

To quote a work of fiction I particularly enjoyed, during a discussion between the characters on the Book of Job:

“You know,” said Bill Dodd, “what is Leviathan, anyway? Like a giant whale or something, right? So God is saying we need to be able to make whales submit to us and serve us and dance for us and stuff? Cause, I’ve been to Sea World. We have totally done that.”

“Leviathan is a giant sea dinosaur thing,” said Zoe Farr. “Like a plesiosaur. Look, it’s in the next chapter. It says he has scales and a strong neck.”

“And you don’t think if he really existed, we’d Jurassic Park the sucker?” asked Bill Dodd.

“It also says he breathes fire,” said Eli Foss.

“So,” proposed Erica, “if we can find a fire-breathing whale with scales and a neck, and we bring it to Sea World, then we win the Bible?”

[–] Schadrach 1 points 5 days ago

An LLM is roughly as smart as the corpus it is summarizing is accurate for the topic, because at their best they are good at creating natural language summarizers. Most of the main ones basically do an internet search and summarize the top couple of results, which means they are as good as the search engine backing them. Which is good enough for a lot of topics, but...not so much for the rest.

[–] Schadrach 1 points 5 days ago (1 children)

That being said, open discourse and actual conversation seems more prevalent and easier to come by here then on reddit which is very nice.

A result of decentralization. There absolutely are instances full of insufferable whatevers for many varieties of whatever, but being decentralized makes it a lot harder for them to utterly own all discussion on a topic in the way that often happens on Reddit.

[–] Schadrach 8 points 5 days ago

That's not accurate...Musk doesn't build the rockets or design them. It's giving him too much credit.

[–] Schadrach 1 points 6 days ago

Don’t you know that vaccines are made out of mercury

Some childhood vaccines contained thimerosal which is a mercury compound as a preservative prior to 2001, some other drugs still use it and it's very probably harmless but technically any drug containing thimerosal contains mercury.

and dead babies?

Is the common measles vaccine in the US one of the ones that is developed using a cell line originated from an aborted fetus? Like it doesn't contain any fetal cells in the final product, but technically it wouldn't be entirely a lie to say it's made from a dead baby (without getting clinical and drawing a developmental line before which it's not a "baby" per se), since the media it is grown it is a cell line descended from one..

Kind of like how there are skin treatments made from circumcised foreskins - it doesn't actually contain foreskin, but it contains a compound extracted from cell lines produced from infant foreskin removed during circumcision, because that's the easiest way to legally get baby skin. Usually they'll refer to containing CTFG or epidermal growth factors or something along those lines.

[–] Schadrach 4 points 1 week ago (3 children)

And if you have the opportunity to question Him directly, you’ll say the same thing Job said.

That would be what, "Why are you so weirdly obsessed with Leviathan?" after Job 41?

[–] Schadrach 9 points 1 week ago

But in all honesty even if it did work that way, the exporting country would just jack the prices up to cover it. The end result for US citizens would be the same.

This. It doesn't matter whether the exporter or importer is payign the tariff, the result is the same - it increases the cost of goods, and that cost is going to get passed down the line, plus margin.

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