I for one am purchasing a new TV each month. It’s a staple for our household. We go out and it’s like a nice little tradition we’ve established. Then we put it in the living room, hold hands, and skip around it chanting while we burn the old one at its feet so it knows to behave.

I made a FOIA request for my FBI file and it got denied under 5 USC 552(b)(7)(A) which is the one about active law enforcement proceedings

I know we talk about how we’re all on a list but this is wild

Tradcaths are fetishists and you won’t convince me otherwise

Tech workers and fully lacking proletarian consciousness. Name a more iconic duo.

Rowling is such a Slytherin 👍👍👍👍👍

Dolores Dei best girl

r/neoliberal praising war criminals. Sounds right.


Laws are threats made by the dominant socioeconomic ethnic group in a given nation. It’s just a promise of violence that’s enacted and police are basically an occupying army, you know what I mean?

You guys want to make some bacon? ira


What you're refering to as Israel, is in fact, occupied Palestine, or as I've recently taken to calling it, US occupied Palestine. Israel is not an country unto itself, but rather another free real estate component of a fully functioning apartheid system made useful by the imperial corelibs, shell mortars and vital system disruptance comprising a full genocide as defined by the UN.


“Here’s how Cenk can still win”

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by ScrewdriverFactoryFactoryProvider@hexbear.net to c/technology@hexbear.net


I dunno if Langley would have needed to do much. Could just be a classic case of “how did all this fascism get in my anti communism?”

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by ScrewdriverFactoryFactoryProvider@hexbear.net to c/askchapo@hexbear.net

I’m not on Twitter, so I get my news elsewhere, but most of the actual pictures I see are from here. So is there some kind of bias where only the fascist imagery gets posted here in the the dunk tank? Or do the libs scrolling through Ukrainian posts on Twitter literally see and ignore fascist imagery on every single post? Like, if they see 1000 Ukrainian soldiers, will they see 1000 fascist symbols?

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by ScrewdriverFactoryFactoryProvider@hexbear.net to c/askchapo@hexbear.net
submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by ScrewdriverFactoryFactoryProvider@hexbear.net to c/videos@hexbear.net

This video was incredibly frustrating. He literally says:

Also, in developing these tests, Danaher received over $250 million of public funding, most of which came from tax payers like me and you. And I think it’s past time for Danaher’s prices to acknowledge that gene expert tests are public goods, largely funded by the public, and that it isn’t appropriate to use them to enrich the world’s richest people at the expense of the world’s poorest ones.

And then proceeds to talk about how various NGO’s have encouraged Danaher to “consider” lowering their prices to a $5 per test. John, you just made the argument for nationalizing pharmaceutical production. What the fuck are you talking about?

Posting is praxis (hexbear.net)

Yes flattened-bernie

Instead of schools just providing materials for the classrooms, each family has to buy their own kid a dedicated set of supplies. You could pool the supplies and distribute news ones as needed, but if you do this for anything beyond tissues, parents start freaking out because “I bought MY child that SPECIFIC crayon set and it’s not fair that OTHER kids gets to use it because THEIR parents didn’t care enough to get them a special set.”

This is how we know the kids are cool. They’re such ardent socialists that the IMF is writing the terms of their ice cream purchases.

[-] ScrewdriverFactoryFactoryProvider@hexbear.net 65 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Are the libs really trying to quote the constitution at us now? Read Federalist Papers #10 if you give so much of a shit about how the founders thought government was supposed to work.

These were people who led a revolution to replace the feudal ruling class with their own capitalist ruling class. It was literally democracy by and for the bourgeoisie. It was in their class interest for these protections to work and one of their biggest concerns was factionalism, which became a problem almost immediately and ultimately became so ubiquitous that even the most apolitical folks will complain about “division” and talk about how all the parties serve rich people.

Separation of powers my ass. Go take a look at the size of the executive bureaucracy and tell me how much you think the founders expected congress to abdicate large swaths of their power to the executive branch due to factional pressure. It’s such a bullshit argument, even from a non-leftist point of view.

Libs just reinvented “alternative facts” che-laugh

Statewide legislature passing laws focused on one person, a child.

Imagine all the hours spent. Utah has 104 legislators between their house and senate. If the bill was discussed on the floor for 10 minutes in each chamber, that’s 17 hours of human effort wasted. Now add in hours of deliberation in committee. Hours put in by staffers, by experts, by consultants, by lobbyists. That’s hundreds, if not over a thousand, hours spent on a ruining a JV sport for a single trans girl. What a ridiculous and disgusting waste.

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