FYI that's normal behavior.
Click here for details if you want
So you're on But does not know every single community that is made anywhere in the fediverse, because the creation of a new community is not automatically broadcast.
If a user on accesses the new community, THEN all of a sudden knows about it. But it doesn't download all the old posts, it only gets the posts that are made after found out about it.
So probably 5 months ago someone made the most recent post on, then a couple months after that someone on heard about it and subscribed. But nobody posted anything to since then, so's view of has nothing on it.
lolz I saw that! Shishi's doing his claw-hand thing and then he's like: wait, I guess I gotta put my fists down. I think it got him off-stride and cost him the bout!
If anyone wants to start posting there, take a look at:
the first "library of congress" link there leads to newspaper scans of roughly 9000 comics (with many duplicates), you just have to screencap, trim, and upload. There are several other links besides that.
You're free to make a new community if you want, but there are a couple things you could try first.
- you could contact the admins of the community instance and ask them if you can take over the dead community. A lot of times they'll say yes, and they just make you the mod. If the community is on you can just go to the ! community and make a post saying "requesting (name of the community)" and they'll get back to you.
- another thing you could do is ask about it on the ! (e: fixed link) community. That's where people point out dead communities and talk about how to bring them back. you may find other people who want to help you, or they may suggest another alternative like a better instance to start it on, or an existing community that is thriving
Once you've taken over a community, you should make sure it doesn't just die again. post there regularly and advertise it on the following locations:
- !
- !
- !
- any existing community that's kinda related, or has folks you think will like it Make sure you post and advertise it during times when a lot of people are on, so folks who browse "new" will see it.
Good luck! Feel free to ask around if you need more help!
Same, I found another copy here:
Also on
Thx, that's very interesting, I see it now too but I didn't when I first made this post. I wonder if it got caught in some kind of queue or something that held it up for 24 hours.
Anyway thanks for the report, I'll just delete the older one.
Hi, someone else here, noting that even after the update you're not guaranteed that a thumbnail will propagate.
On the default web client, you should see thumbnails for the youtube videos on the first two links, but not on the third. There are various reasons for this, here's an earlier investigation.
On some phone apps I think all 3 of those links resolve to your instance. Clients/apps handle things differently, and some even fetch their own thumbnails!
Finally, everything is evolving: instance servers are reconfigured, versions are updated, clients change, hosting servers change the way they do things, youtube changes things on its end, etc. So it's a bit of a moving target.
That Jack Chick parody made my day... Also reminds me of the independent short-film version of that story, Dark Dungeons.
Mods might be able to look the other way if lemmy is promoted, but not if obvious brigading happens.
Was hyped to see the Aonishiki-Shishi bout picked as the top fight! (I had tried staying up to watch it live but unfortunately collapsed around midnight...) ofc I was rooting for Shishi bc I followed him for longer and also bc his Ukrainian name is Serhii which is their version of Sergio! So feelz bad that he lost... but Aonishiki is one hell of a talent! Unfortunately sounds like the crowd is turning against Shishi's pre-tachiai actions, wonder how he's going to handle that. ~~I hope he bounces back from this!~~ Also worth noting that Aonishiki is still pretty young, he only turns 21 this month.
ikr? I don't mind grim stuff but I got a kind of techbro triumphalist (disguised as cautionary) vibe from the episodes I watched. I don't remember much about them tho.