Okay, but if I send you an unsolicited dick pick, who owns the rights?
I was actually the first one to say it thousands of years ago. Pleased to meet you. Hope you guessed my name.
Just cut it up into smaller more managable pieces.
What about the Cribs?
put a pi-hole in my rooter
Giggity What would be the definition if it was in the urban dictionary?
Coffe and alcohol.
IIRC on re@it a commenter wrote about how they were in an argument with him and he at some point sent them a nude as an attempt to troll them. Something like that. But I can't find that thread anymore and threads related to that tagged as NSFW won't open if I don't dl the re@it app so take it with a grain of salt.
Is she single?
What ... Inhales ... THE FUCK?!
Yeah, but he wants to believe.
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joined 1 year ago
It really is, and I hope you never ever lose that power.