Drag you killed blahaj, you are an extremely impressive troll.
Except for when they're conducting viral research and stopping global pandemics.
Bad take for the people who keep us from killing ourselves.
Man it's almost like Nazism was a religous conservative extremist movement.
We should all start asking around our local auto shops that handle software and ask if they disable gps or internet services.
It's not illegal to modify your own vehicle (yet) so jailbreaking these shitty cars would be an awesome service.
The pushed two of them out of the airplane
I've voted Dem my entire life, my entire life the Dems have never meaningfully improved anything except for medicare and I don't qualify for that.
I get it that the Dems are the ones who push policy, just to conviently break ranks and vote down their own bills whenever there is actually bills that force the rich to make concessions.
The Duopoly works together to maintain power
looks at news.google.com
searches for democrats
finds infighting and fingerpointing at everyone besides their rich donors who control them and force them to ignore leftist policies
So nothing, they're whining and doing nothing
Nothing will meaningfully improve until the rich fear for their lives
The Dems failing to pass helpful legislation is different than scrapping the country and having the peices sold off by Donald Trump
But to a centrist everything that isn't shoveling ice cream into their stupid maw is equally evil