I'm sure you have the same attitude towards what your MSM says about China?

Yeah, I tried. That was the first drive-by lib I interacted with so I wanted to give them a chance. GIven their other comments, whoever banned them probably saved me a headache

Ok, these questions might sound like they have self-evident answers but I want to know where you're coming from: what are your issues with dictators as defined above? What do they do that you find problematic?

[-] SugandeseDelegation@lemmygrad.ml 7 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

In your view, what's a dictator?

[-] SugandeseDelegation@lemmygrad.ml 29 points 2 weeks ago

Most sane Baltic chihuahua


This is something I occasionally come across in Western media and also heard IRL from a Chinese émigré (very lib and hates China, so I take whatever they say about the country with a grain of salt) - that the Chinese internet (and by extension, society, though probably less visibly) has a problem with widespread chauvinism and racism, against black people and ethnic minorities in China in particular, and other things such as wishing genocide on the people of Taiwan (???) or Japanese people.

Now, I'm sure China has its fair share of fascists and generic reactionary nutjobs, but I'm wondering just how bad it is. Most studies/articles come from Western institutions, so I don't know how to feel about those.

I'm curious what studies there are in China about this, how widely discussed this is (i.e. have these sorts of internet trends ever gotten the same level of awareness that 4chan and the alt-right got in the West? What was the reaction? Is the CPC doing anything about it?), and what direction is this going in, e.g. looking back 10-20 years, has this improved or gotten worse?

[-] SugandeseDelegation@lemmygrad.ml 33 points 1 month ago

Also gotta love how he pivoted his economy. Putin is running the economy and the war all by himself, just like Xi and Kim, and Stalin before them. Anything they can do to contribute to the scary evil dictator image

[-] SugandeseDelegation@lemmygrad.ml 31 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Amazing, not one week since inauguration and he's managed to do a 360 (two U-turns!!) on this

[-] SugandeseDelegation@lemmygrad.ml 37 points 2 months ago

This is too broad a topic to have any meaningful discussion on in a comment thread, but I'd start with a few things:

  1. Are you looking for new perspectives, or are you looking to debate? The former implies you're willing to change your stance, the latter does not.
  2. Define "capitalism", "communism" and "good". As a minimum to starting such a discussion, everyone participating should be on the same page regarding the topic, but these are terms that have wildly different meanings for a lot of people (not so much on this instance).
  3. Pick a specific theme to discuss - what do you support most about capitalism? What is your greatest issue with communism? Anything you're specifically interested in? As I said, it's a broad topic, so in order to have any constructive discussion, it needs to be narrowed down.
[-] SugandeseDelegation@lemmygrad.ml 32 points 3 months ago

Sounds like what some of them pesky tankies predicted a year ago. Yet again

[-] SugandeseDelegation@lemmygrad.ml 36 points 4 months ago

Ask any shitlib what Russia would gain from invading NATO countries, or what China would gain from invading Taiwan. I bet they'll struggle to explain it any other way than something to the effect of "Putin/Xi is evil"

I seriously want to hear what arguments they have which don't boil down to "brainwashed country follows evil dictator into senseless war"

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