As a European I see these for the first time, where do they come from? Usually I see eagles, donkeys and elephants with US stuff
Perhaps their comment was just a hint at the general decline in journalistic quality through a subtle reference to a missing comma.
This sums up the recent election results in the German states Brandenburg, Thüringen and Sachsen, unfortunately.
What do you use instead as ID?
This is happening right now in Germany. In two of our 16 federal states, the fascist party got around 30% of votes through fear mongering and propaganda. In one of the states, all of the remaining parties would be needed to create a functionable government with a majority, containing the whole spectrum from left to right. I am not sure about the future of this state.
It's a social news aggregator. I assume the difference is, that this is to follow mainly news, whereas social media is to mainly follow people. In my 10 years of reddit and now Lemmy I never followed any account, I was just there for the niche topics and news aggregation.
So langsam reicht es aber auch wieder, jetzt bitte erst mal wieder mindestens 8 Jahre rechte Politik, dann können wir schauen ob wir den großen Zeh noch mal wieder in linke Politik stecken. Wir wollen ja nicht, dass die Leute aufhören nach unten zu treten und anfangen den armen Milliardären ihr hart erschlichenes Vermögen wegzunehmen.
I am aware of how damaging cats are to the ecosystem, but regardless of that, I don't understand how you can live every day worrying whether the cat will come back or bring some kind of disease home with it. With our indoor cats I have control over what they eat and at most every few years they catch a cold. But nothing serious after 9 years of having indoor cats.
Abgesehen von schleichenden Prozessen habe ich gestern eine Studie hier gesehen wonach Menschen nicht kontinuierlich altern, sondern einmal mit 44 und dann mit 60 jeweils einen großen Schritt machen was Alterung angeht.
That sounds like Vault-Tec level evil to me.
Would that be a problem with newer Kindle versions?