
joined 2 years ago
[–] Tetsuo@jlai.lu 2 points 2 days ago

Turn left to wreck your car

[–] Tetsuo@jlai.lu 2 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

I have played something like 50 hours of deadlock a few months ago and IMO it has strong MoBa elements. I actually think it's more Dota but in TPS rather than a TPS trying to Dota.

The same aspects of Dota are strategically important in Deadlock IMO. You need to farm, you need to support, map control is very much relevant... I think it's very close to Dota in what it requires from a player in terms of skills.

I would even say that you probably can be a very good deadlock player without good aim because the strategy is absolutely crucial. Also I have both seen experienced dota players and people with 0% experience in that genre discovering Deadlock and it makes a big difference in the learning curve. Dota players will be confused by the TPS aspect but are very fast in getting good in itemization, strategy, teamplay... They know what to do but are just not sure how to do it in a weird TPS form.

[–] Tetsuo@jlai.lu 6 points 3 days ago (1 children)

A noter que DDG est basé aux États-Unis ils sont donc à mon sens fondamentalement incapables de garantir le respect de votre vie privée.

DDG peut être forcé a donner vos informations au gouvernement américain et vous ne le sauriez probablement jamais.

Je n'ai jamais compris pourquoi une entreprise dont la vie privée est le slogan commercial voudrait s'installer aux États-Unis.

Alors je n'ai pas vraiment d'autres options à proposer mais au moins vous saurez à quoi vous en tenir.

[–] Tetsuo@jlai.lu 4 points 3 days ago

Pareil j'ai écopé de bien 1 an de Qwant et c'était très difficilement utilisable. Au final je m'en servais comme "proxy Google" avec le raccourci &g ce qui faisait perdre le peu d'intérêt qu'avait le moteur de recherche.

C'est juste nul comme moteur.

[–] Tetsuo@jlai.lu 11 points 3 days ago

No, just upgraded from a working computer to an up to date not working computer.

[–] Tetsuo@jlai.lu 12 points 4 days ago

To protect people outside the fence obviously.

[–] Tetsuo@jlai.lu 7 points 1 week ago (2 children)

I think it will be very hard for another MOBA to challenge the competition...

LoL, Dota2 and even Deadlock? They better bring something very innovative otherwise this project is doomed.

[–] Tetsuo@jlai.lu 9 points 1 week ago

A great game for sure. Probably my most awaited game release.

Only issue is that I need to finish factorio before that release and I wasn't expecting the factorio DLC to extend the game by like 3x...

Anyway Manor lords was my most played single player game for 2024 in its rather barebone build and it was already a blast. Something that brings back when I was playing Settlers as a kid but with modern graphics.

[–] Tetsuo@jlai.lu 4 points 1 week ago (2 children)

One single French company and that's it :(?

I thought we had some great AI researchers in France but it seems they are long gone if all we can muster is one startup?

[–] Tetsuo@jlai.lu 8 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (1 children)

Moi je pense que tu retires une Valérie Pécresse de la vie publique tu as une hausse de la démographie. Je préfère ma solution.

[–] Tetsuo@jlai.lu 20 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Oh I'm sure Adobe has the greatest of intentions on this. Such a reputable company that has a stellar past.

I'm sure they won't gatekeep this digital human signature in some atrocious proprietary standard along with an expensive subscription to have the honor of using it.

Don't listen to Adobe on AI or even better don't accept any "idea" or solution from Adobe.

[–] Tetsuo@jlai.lu 5 points 3 weeks ago

This may be obvious but maybe not moving furniture after the surgery and maybe planning ahead and rethink the way furniture may be suitable for her. For example if a sleeping spot is a bit hard to reach maybe get her used to some easier route to it.

I have no experience with blind cats but I would think it would help. Cats have a very good ability to memorize their space but it needs to stay the same for a blind cat.


Je dois temporairement tolérer d'utiliser YouTube sans aucun filtrage de pub et je dois dire que je ne m'attendais pas que ce soit la m**** à ce point là.

Apparemment c'est une arnaque assez classique qui existe depuis début 2024.

Jamel n'a pas été arrêté et tout est faux sur cette image.

Au moins c'est "drôle" de voir que cette image générée par AI montre Jamel avec son bras tout neuf...

A noter le logo du Monde histoire de donner une certaine crédibilité à l'annonce.


Aaron Keller's take on Blizzcon 2023.


Une part d'impunité en moins pour les policiers violents ?

Maintenant ce qui serait bien ce serait des bodycams systématiques avec obligation de diffusion si l'IGPN est saisi...


Juste une petite illustration du retard considérable que certaines instances prennent sur le fediverse lemmy.

Merci pour le super hébergement @anansi@jlai.lu !

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