[-] Vittelius@feddit.de 5 points 1 day ago

And with topgrade you can even upgrade flatpaks and your distros repos in one go

submitted 2 days ago by Vittelius@feddit.de to c/worldnews@lemmy.ml

Exit poll predicts Labour will win 410 seats, securing a majority of 170, to the Conservatives’ 131

[-] Vittelius@feddit.de 17 points 2 days ago

here is the entire exit poll for everyone interested btw:

#stopkillingtrains (www.imghost.net)
submitted 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) by Vittelius@feddit.de to c/fuckcars@lemmy.world

Original post by Patrick Breyer (MEP (member of the European Parliament) for the pirate party) on Mastodon: https://digitalcourage.social/@echo_pbreyer/112716177887148583

In reference to a case detailed in this talk at 37C3: https://media.ccc.de/v/37c3-12142-breaking_drm_in_polish_trains

[-] Vittelius@feddit.de 13 points 4 days ago

Are geese native to Q'onoS?

submitted 4 weeks ago by Vittelius@feddit.de to c/fuck_cars@lemmy.ml

cross-posted from: https://feddit.de/post/12940955

People are lonely. Is it because we are addicted to our phones, or is that a symptom of larger design choices we made when building our places? We cover some of the general concepts related to social infrastructure an try to evaluate what to do next.

submitted 4 weeks ago by Vittelius@feddit.de to c/fuckcars@lemmy.world

People are lonely. Is it because we are addicted to our phones, or is that a symptom of larger design choices we made when building our places? We cover some of the general concepts related to social infrastructure an try to evaluate what to do next.

submitted 1 month ago by Vittelius@feddit.de to c/linuxphones@lemmy.ml

cross-posted from: https://feddit.de/post/12767626

A way to long introduction

I've been toying with the idea of getting a second phone to put postmarket OS on. So out of curiosity I've been going through the available software checking if I could maybe even use such a device as a daily diver. The result: Not yet, but it is very close (purely from an app availability standpoint). Most use cases have functioning apps or apps that are actively worked on. I did however notice some gaps. Now, my programming knowledge is very small and I don't really have the time to learn and then develop/maintain the apps. At least not at the moment. I have been checking out penpot however. Penpot is a browser-based graphic design tool with a focus on UI/UX design tool, similar to figma, but open source. And there is a mostly complete asset pack for gnome/adwaita applications available. (Side note to everyone trying it out: If you are getting weird flickering then it might be a Nvidia/Wayland issue. Switching to X should resolve it)

Long story short: I have cheated some mock-ups for some apps that I am hereby sharing with the world. Some of them are a bit rough around in some places but maybe someone finds themself inspired by it. All of them are mobile first designs but since its Adwaitas design language it shouldn't be too hard to imagine how they would look on a desktop. If you decide to use one of my designs then you don't need to credit me (though it certainly would be appreciated)

I suspect that most people won't be familiar with (2/3 of) the underlying services that my ideas are build upon. Feel free to check them out; I recommend them wholeheartedly.

App 1: Cookbook

An image of a gtk app in a mobile style form factor (portrait orientation) The home page.  The app lists some recipes An image of a gtk app in a mobile style form factor (portrait orientation) The category view. Some different categories are displayed in their own cards An image of a gtk app in a mobile style form factor (portrait orientation) but it is too long to show content, that would normally require scrolling. The ingreients and instructions for preparing a meal are given. An image of a gtk app. The same content as before but in a more desktop friendly configuration

There used to be a piece of software called gnome recipes. But development on that app has since been abandoned and I think they had the wrong approach to it anyway. The old project aimed to not only supply the software but also the content, shipping a curated list of community supplied recipes. I am looking for a solution to save recipes from the numerous food blogs and recipe websites, that syncs using a (self hostable) online service. And wouldn't you know it such a service already exists in the form of "Cookbook" a nextcloud add-on. This app would simply act as an additional frontend. Import happens via a schema.org json template that a lot of websites use to store and display their content. That format does also allow to store nutritional information, meaning that nextcloud is also capable of saving that. I did not make place for that because it seemed to clutter the UI and I personally don't care too much about having that information easily accessible, especially since most sources don't include it in my experience. My mockup does include a floating button that allows to quickly jump between the ingredients and your last scroll position.

I was inspired by a Android/iOS app called [körbchen](koerbchen.app], which offers the same service but isn't open source or self hostable. An already hosted instance of nextcloud cookbook is operated for example by murena, the folks behind the /e android rom btw.

Squeeze Remote

The Lyrion Music Server (previously known as Logitech Music Server) allows you to create your own wifi enabled speaker system (for example using a raspberry pi). Accessing music from your NAS, a webradio or steaming service is possible, complete with multiroom support (allowing you to chain multiple speakers together so that they play the same thing at the same time). But to operate such a system one needs a remote. The server offers a web app but that one isn't particularly nice.


Last but not least of course here is my idea how a gtk client could look like. I know there are already two projects which tried to build such an app, but development seems to have stalled or been outright abandoned. I tried to build !thunder_app@lemmy.world for Linux a couple of weeks ago. That worked reasonably well, but at the end it still feels alien because at the end of the day it is an android and ios app. Using it with a mouse felt even weirder because it is not designed that way. Anyway: Maybe third time is the charm for gtk apps.

If anyone else has similar mock-ups flying around on their hard drive, feel free to post them in the comments.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by Vittelius@feddit.de to c/linux@lemmy.ml

A way to long introduction

I've been toying with the idea of getting a second phone to put postmarket OS on. So out of curiosity I've been going through the available software checking if I could maybe even use such a device as a daily diver. The result: Not yet, but it is very close (purely from an app availability standpoint). Most use cases have functioning apps or apps that are actively worked on. I did however notice some gaps. Now, my programming knowledge is very small and I don't really have the time to learn and then develop/maintain the apps. At least not at the moment. I have been checking out penpot however. Penpot is a browser-based graphic design tool with a focus on UI/UX design tool, similar to figma, but open source. And there is a mostly complete asset pack for gnome/adwaita applications available. (Side note to everyone trying it out: If you are getting weird flickering then it might be a Nvidia/Wayland issue. Switching to X should resolve it)

Long story short: I have cheated some mock-ups for some apps that I am hereby sharing with the world. Some of them are a bit rough around in some places but maybe someone finds themself inspired by it. All of them are mobile first designs but since its Adwaitas design language it shouldn't be too hard to imagine how they would look on a desktop. If you decide to use one of my designs then you don't need to credit me (though it certainly would be appreciated)

I suspect that most people won't be familiar with (2/3 of) the underlying services that my ideas are build upon. Feel free to check them out; I recommend them wholeheartedly.

App 1: Cookbook

An image of a gtk app in a mobile style form factor (portrait orientation) The home page.  The app lists some recipes An image of a gtk app in a mobile style form factor (portrait orientation) The category view. Some different categories are displayed in their own cards An image of a gtk app in a mobile style form factor (portrait orientation) but it is too long to show content, that would normally require scrolling. The ingreients and instructions for preparing a meal are given. An image of a gtk app. The same content as before but in a more desktop friendly configuration

There used to be a piece of software called gnome recipes. But development on that app has since been abandoned and I think they had the wrong approach to it anyway. The old project aimed to not only supply the software but also the content, shipping a curated list of community supplied recipes. I am looking for a solution to save recipes from the numerous food blogs and recipe websites, that syncs using a (self hostable) online service. And wouldn't you know it such a service already exists in the form of "Cookbook" a nextcloud add-on. This app would simply act as an additional frontend. Import happens via a schema.org json template that a lot of websites use to store and display their content. That format does also allow to store nutritional information, meaning that nextcloud is also capable of saving that. I did not make place for that because it seemed to clutter the UI and I personally don't care too much about having that information easily accessible, especially since most sources don't include it in my experience. My mockup does include a floating button that allows to quickly jump between the ingredients and your last scroll position.

I was inspired by a Android/iOS app called [körbchen](koerbchen.app], which offers the same service but isn't open source or self hostable. An already hosted instance of nextcloud cookbook is operated for example by murena, the folks behind the /e android rom btw.

Squeeze Remote

The Lyrion Music Server (previously known as Logitech Music Server) allows you to create your own wifi enabled speaker system (for example using a raspberry pi). Accessing music from your NAS, a webradio or steaming service is possible, complete with multiroom support (allowing you to chain multiple speakers together so that they play the same thing at the same time). But to operate such a system one needs a remote. The server offers a web app but that one isn't particularly nice.


Last but not least of course here is my idea how a gtk client could look like. I know there are already two projects which tried to build such an app, but development seems to have stalled or been outright abandoned. I tried to build !thunder_app@lemmy.world for Linux a couple of weeks ago. That worked reasonably well, but at the end it still feels alien because at the end of the day it is an android and ios app. Using it with a mouse felt even weirder because it is not designed that way. Anyway: Maybe third time is the charm for gtk apps.

If anyone else has similar mock-ups flying around on their hard drive, feel free to post them in the comments.


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/15157225

The musician was seen wearing a keffiyeh on his arm, a symbol commonly used to show support for Palestine.

In reponse, a representative of the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) said in a statement: “All performers are made aware of the rules of the contest, and we regret that Eric Saade chose to compromise the non-political nature of the event.”

Despite facing criticism for its decision not to exclude Israel and worldwide protests condemning the organizers' choice, the competition maintained its stance.

“Politics does influence the event from time to time,” said Paul Jordan, a contest enthusiast and researcher who was part of its communications team from 2015 to 2018, in an interview with CNN.

However, he noted, “the presence of Israel has become such a big issue (that) I think it’s going to overshadow the event.”

The news comes during Israel’s seizure and closure of the Rafah crossing in Gaza, which has raised concerns that already-scarce food and medical supplies will be further depleted and lead to a “catastrophic” humanitarian disaster.

[-] Vittelius@feddit.de 29 points 4 months ago

Actually that's from the parade in Düsseldorf

[-] Vittelius@feddit.de 129 points 4 months ago

That's a common misconception. German law actually allows the public display of swastikas in certain, so called socially adequate (that's an actual legal term), situations. Satire is one of those. If anyone can see that you are making fun of Nazis it's allowed. Another of those adequate uses is in art. The use in video games used to be prohibited for reasons that are to complicated to explain in this comment (involving an actual Nazi and a pirated copy of the game Wolfenstein 3D) but now they are counted as art as well so it's fine there as well.


A float at today's Rose Monday parade in Düsseldorf. Float by Jacques Tilly and his team, photo by Christoph Schroeter

It's part of a set of satirical floats, all made by Tilly. Here is the rest.

submitted 8 months ago by Vittelius@feddit.de to c/jellyfin@lemmy.ml

Development on the plugin seems to have stopped two months ago and the repo has been archived. Unfortunately that means that downloading from GH-actions (as advised in the documentation) is impossible, because the download has expired.

Any workarounds (short of using docker)?

[-] Vittelius@feddit.de 35 points 10 months ago

lets start with why you are getting this output: If you see a screen like this your app is pulled from the AUR. The AUR works different from the other repos. While the normal repos download standardized arch packages in the form of tar-archives the AUR takes a more radical approach: get the app on your system by (almost) any means necessary. So the AUR doesn't contain a package but a text file containing instructions. Where to download the necessary files, where to put them, that sort of stuff. In most cases the files is just the source code and your system will compile it according to the instructions in that text file. Compiling means it will turn the human readable programing in to computer readable stuff. In other words, it will create, or build, a standard arch package right then and there, on your system. That's why the text file is referred to both as "Build Files" or as Pkgbuild.

If you look at your screenshot, you see, that it first downloads your PKGBUILD and then shows the file as present (it uses the plural, because in exceptions there are additional files such as systemd-files that are downloaded as well).

When installing apps from the AUR yay will cache stuff to speed up build times. Performing a clean build means not using this cache. In most cases just pressing enter will work just fine.

And now is the part were I must warn you: Be careful with the AUR:

  1. Every app gets root during install, meaning that it can do everything it wants during that time. It's generally recommended that you review every Pkgbuild before installing it. Nobody i know actually does that and the AUR is moderated, so there are people that take actions if someone uploads malware, but that's mostly reactive. To my knowledge there never has been malware in the AUR but it is a possible attack vector.
  2. The official wiki states: "The AUR is unsupported, so any packages you install are your responsibility to update, not pacman's. If packages in the official repositories are updated, you will need to rebuild any AUR packages that depend on those libraries." yay will mostly take care of that but there is also [3]
  3. Most impotently: The AUR is a project of Arch Linux. You are not using Arch, you are using Manjaro. Manjaro is build on top of Arch, but the tend to hold updates back a bit while they check them for bugs. The people managing the AUR don't care about that. So they might push an update assuming your system to have those held back updates and things may break.

In conclusion. If possible stick with the repos and flatpak. If an app is not available this way you can use the AUR. If you use the AUR you can keep just pressing Enter until the app in question is installed. Just don't be surprised if the app breaks two months later because of something stupid the Manjaro devs did

[-] Vittelius@feddit.de 52 points 11 months ago

The reason, you aren't finding anything, is that nobody really attempts to install premiere or after effects anymore on Linux. The alternatives have cought up and they are available for Linux.

  • DaVinci Resolve provides the complete package. Video editor and (node based) compositor in one. Even outside of the Linux world there is a lot of momentum behind this tool, as I probably don't have to tell you. Keep in mind, that the free version on Linux has some limitations, that the free versions on the other OS's don't have (missing h264 support for example)
  • Left angle Autograph (https://www.left-angle.com/#page=95) is a young product, having seen its first release earlier this year. It's a direct competitor to After Effects. A timeline based VFX tool. Unfortunately fairly expensive as well.

Back to your question: making things work with wine has a significant drawback. Your system can break with every update. So you're not making it work just once but over and over again.

[-] Vittelius@feddit.de 32 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Fun fact: Lemmy allows images in comments. Like this:

Just copy the address of the gif and type![](https://media.tenor.com/G1WVqtxhTDkAAAAd/idk-what-i-expected-i-dont-know-what-i-expeted.gif)

Edit: Also I completely forgot:


[-] Vittelius@feddit.de 59 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Bei einer DDOS-Attake (distributed denial of service) wird ein Server mit mehr Anfragen überhäuft als er verarbeiten kann. Als Ergebnis kann niemand auf den Server mehr zugreifen, weil die Leitung "verstopft" ist.

Twitter betreibt ihren Dienst nicht nur auf einem Server, sondern auf vielen gleichzeitig, die alle miteinander reden. Die Webseite ist auf einem Server, die Datenbank, in der die ganzen Tweets gespeichert sind auf einem anderen.

Die Webseite scheint so programmiert zu sein, dass sie weiterhin den Datenbank-Server nach neuen Tweets fragt, auch nachdem die 600 Tweet-Grenze erreicht ist. Die Datenbank liefer die Info "Limit erreicht" zurück, aber keine Tweets, also fragt die Webseite weiter nach neuen Tweets. Etwa 10 Anfragen pro Sekunde. Dadurch hat der Datenbank-Server mit mehr Anfragen zu kämpfen als er verarbeiten kann und liefert auch an Nutzer, die ihre Grenze noch nicht erreicht haben keine Tweets aus

[-] Vittelius@feddit.de 27 points 1 year ago

Scheint so, als würde das gerade passieren

Siehe Stündlicher Zuwachs in Hellblau. In der letzten Stunde gab es 3225 Neuanmeldungen nachdem sich über die letzte Woche die Anmeldungen bei knapp 500 pro Stunde eingepegelt hatten

[-] Vittelius@feddit.de 83 points 1 year ago

Und anscheinend DDOSed sich Twitter gerade selber durch diese Aktion


Twitter is firing off about 10 requests a second to itself to try and fetch content that never arrives because Elon's latest genius innovation is to block people from being able to read Twitter without logging in. This likely created some hellish conditions that the engineers never envisioned and so we get this comedy of errors resulting in the most epic of self-owns, the self-DDOS.

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joined 1 year ago