There are European countries that have similar systems for apartment buildings where every unit is owend by a different person.

Yeah but what is "good" behaviour?

That's where then fun starts. You "own" your apartment but can't do shit without approval by 20 nimbys. Also you pay into a HOA fund for general stuff.

Owning apartments is the worst of both worlds. Get a huge loan just and still don't get to do with your property what you want. It's "property" commodified and enshittyficated. But what can one do these days? Buy a house? hahahahaha.

Yeah but those are almost every time overpriced as fuck.


I am new to skating and would like to try to get more into driving around town, however, it doesn't feel safe yet doing it on my standard Bones 103A 52 mm wheels. Our general old European city has some rough terrain (wildly switching between asphalt, stone, small patches of cobblestone, you get the idea).

So I thought I'd try out softer cruiser wheels like the Bones Rough Riders (80A hardness, 56 or 59 mm diameter) for driving around town without breaking my wrist over a small stone again. I'd still like to keep the harder wheels for the skate parks, though, and carrying around two boards seems like a huge hassle.

So what do you think about getting the Rough Riders with a separate set of bearings so I can do a quick wheel change whenever I need to? Is this dumb for any kind of reason I can't think of? Should I go with 56 or 59 mm when I don't want to install riser pads (if even possible)? Do you have any other wheel suggestions for this application?

Gibt es schon irgendwas zu dem Inhalt und wieso die Staatssekretärin das möchte?

Gleichermaßen verstehe ich aber nicht, dass man nur gut genug verdienen muss, um relativ weniger in die Rente einzuzahlen. Solche Lobbyregelungen verschlimmern die Rentensituation nur noch.

Am Ende wird das Rebtenpaket beschlossen und alle leiden unter steigenden Beitragssätzen.

(Vermögenssteuer trotzdem einführen, bitte.)

What a big-balled move.

Jesus ist a filthy hippie by todays standards, he would've gotten a baton to the face in the 60s/70s.

Also let's make short-haired white young adult professional Jesus a thing.

Zeilenumbrüche sind was feines.

So, how horny is the situation?

[-] 47 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

That happens when you just think of a bigger number and forget the customer somewhere down the line.

Also publicly traded companies and shareholder value. Everything could be much cheaper if not for shareholders draining every penny from companies. Edit: and CEOs/ managers of course.

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