[-] WaterBowlSlime@lemmygrad.ml 2 points 3 days ago

You can play the dlc whenever, even before the main game if you feel like it. Does it work if you go to the store directly from the game's title screen?

[-] WaterBowlSlime@lemmygrad.ml 2 points 3 days ago

Have you played any of the DLCs? The Prompto one gives you lore that really should've been in the main game and the Ignis one gives you an alternate ending that's really touching. And the Gladi one gives you a topless outfit (very important).

Also the final dungeon is the most absurd thing I've ever played, I can't believe I've never heard anyone mention it! If you don't know what Pitioss is, you gotta discover it for yourself. It's absolutely ridiculous, an utterly deranged choice in a game already full of them. 15/10, wouldn't change a thing

[-] WaterBowlSlime@lemmygrad.ml 1 points 4 days ago

ok mothematician

[-] WaterBowlSlime@lemmygrad.ml 1 points 4 days ago

Is this a bit? I meant that the ellipses, in this context, mean that the nines go on forever. Obviously there are other symbols used to represent similar ideas, like ∞

[-] WaterBowlSlime@lemmygrad.ml 1 points 4 days ago

The ellipses mean infinity. Anything less than infinity and the equation is false. It looks unintuitive because infinity is unintuitive

[-] WaterBowlSlime@lemmygrad.ml 3 points 5 days ago

Yeah this game is full of strange choices - I played it blind so I didn't know the point of no return was halfway through. I have gamer brain so I completed every available sidequest ASAP and by the time I was done, I was 50 levels above what's recommended for the last few chapters. But apparently that's how the game is meant to be played??? I literally forgot what the main plot was because of how much time I spent away from it. Vyv, Dave, and Sania each have more presence than the villains. And you have more chemistry with the beach resort chef than your wife hahaha

I still adore the game though! As far as I'm concerned, the political stuff is just pretense for the road trip and the devs should've spent even less time on it.

[-] WaterBowlSlime@lemmygrad.ml 9 points 6 days ago

Intel is building a $20 billion facility in Arizona with financial support from the US government. NBC News reported workers are on the construction site for “two 60-hour weeks followed by a 50-hour week for months at a time in the hot Arizona weather with no paid vacation time.”

Many of these workers are coming from out of state and leaving their friends and families behind to live in temporary housing or hotels for months or years at a time. Josh Vitale, a superintendent for Hoffman Construction, the general contractor overseeing the construction of the Intel computer chip factory, told NBC News, “There’s a lot that goes into how stressful it is, not just physically, but mentally and psychologically … we have to realize that we are legitimately wringing the life out of people.”

They're making workers leave their lives behind for months at a time to toil in the desert and live in sardine cans. With no vacation. Yeah it's real surprising that suicide is on the rise and no young people are joining the industry.

[-] WaterBowlSlime@lemmygrad.ml 2 points 6 days ago

Recently finished Final Fantasy 15 and I have to hold back tears whenever I think about the ending. It's been a while since a game impacted me emotionally and I'm devastated. The last chapter was like a knife in my heart followed by another followed by another.

There's still a ton of quests and postgame stuff left but to do them, you need to time travel back in the story and adventuring with your group just isn't the same anymore after you know what's waiting for them )':


I don't dream. No nightmares either. I have no problems sleeping and I'm not on drugs so it isn't a health thing - I've been like this all my life.

The only times I've managed to dream are when I nap while already well-rested, but even then I still usually don't. Like I might get 1 or 2 dreams a year in total from when I go back to sleep immediately after waking up, but never from normal sleep.

Anyone else like this?

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by WaterBowlSlime@lemmygrad.ml to c/jerboa@lemmy.ml

I fat fingered the options menu and accidentally tapped on block. How do I unblock? It only gives me the option to block even harder hahaha

[-] WaterBowlSlime@lemmygrad.ml 93 points 5 months ago

If we tell chuds that they sound like Pelosi do you think they'd stop and reflect or double down?

[-] WaterBowlSlime@lemmygrad.ml 79 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

It's really hard to exaggerate how heinous the US is. It's why all the fearmongering about China has to be cartoonishly extreme. Anything less than that would be tame in comparison to the stuff Americans provably, currently do.

[-] WaterBowlSlime@lemmygrad.ml 84 points 10 months ago

you have emojis i can't use >:(

[-] WaterBowlSlime@lemmygrad.ml 77 points 11 months ago

Honestly it doesn't take any convincing to make Americans support atrocities. The US can just do them and Americans will invent justifications all on their own.


The Department of Justice recently released their report on the Minneapolis Police Department (the one that murdered George Floyd) and this video goes over their findings.

It's cartoonish how brutally excessive their use of force is and how little these cops are held to account, even now. Some examples are:

  • Pursuing a woman for jaywalking then grabbing her arms behind her back and slamming her face into the curb while stating, "You play stupid games, you get stupid prizes."
  • Putting a man who was calmly walking in a park in a neck restraint and pinning him to the floor for 13 minutes (later needing intubation).
  • Shoving a peaceful protestor to the ground and causing traumatic brain injury, only to later claim that it was a "slight push" and that the protestor "walked towards [him] with her right hand up and clinched." A fellow officer corroborated this version of events despite contradictory body cam footage.

No consequences have been enacted against the MPD yet, only proposed.

Here's the full report.


At the start of the pandemic when libraries were closed during lockdowns, the Internet Archive temporarily allowed users to loan books unrestricted (usually only a few people can check out a book at a time). Some book publishers took issue with this and sued them for mass copyright infringement and won. The Internet Archive is going to appeal the judgement.

Here's the statement from the archive team.


Koalas and other endangered species are being driven to extinction right now by logging publicly owned forests. This video shows the desertification of the logging sites.

Who shot JFK? (yewtu.be)

A hilarious overview of all the official and unofficial explanations of who was responsible for the JFK assassination. Very thorough and based.


The IMF can literally conjure any amount of money out of thin air whenever they feel like it wtf how have I never heard about this

And before you ask, yes, almost all money created goes straight into the coffers of western countries instead of to the global south


I know it's a really long video (play it at 2x speed) but I thought it was fantastic and the part from 25:33-27:17 was particularly insightful:

"The impact of sanctions on Iran or Zimbabwe or Venezuela or Syria is something that those who may oppose western governments don't really ever discuss. So imagine if instead there was a NATO attack on Iran, you would have immediate clarity of what's happening. But the impact of sanctions on the Iranian people is not something that generates any sort of political mobilization in the core. Instead, actually, what it enables is a representation of imperialist states as humanitarian states."

"It's not like you're bringing home people in body bags. It's not like people in the US see the outcome of sanctions because it's not like CNN is going to cover the fact that Iranians of dying of rare diseases because they can't access certain pharmaceutical medications that they aren't able to produce in their own country and can't buy because of sanctions. That's all out of sight out of mind ... you'll have almost no public backlash"


They straight up can't locate 61% of their assets, including weapons, planes, ships, and even buildings. In total, this amounts to several TRILLIONS of dollars since 1998 that are completely unaccounted for.


The history of how the USSR got rid of kulaks as told from their own point of view


Spoilers: 22,500 Australian Dollars

rule (lemmygrad.ml)
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