Viel zu viele Leute, gefühlt die allgemeine Mehrheit, sind halt echt unglaublich medieninkompetent.
They're also bad for the climate.
I wonder whether they're also bad for economy since they're just sitting on the money instead of keeping it in motion.
Frage ist nicht blöd gemeint: hast du den Artikel gelesen?
When organized religion is kept out of public schools, with time, religion slowly fades away as there is less need for it.
Is there data to support this? As much as I would love that to be true, I've got my doubts. Most religions are not taught in western schools. Despite that, parallel societies are established where a specific religion is fostered. Children are sent to private religious schools and the religion is uphold by these communities.
(This is not an argument against secularism. I'm indeed in favour of keeping proselytizing subjects out of school. Just questions the effect on the evolution of religious demographics.)
Typische Koffeinkonzentration in Kaffee: 80 mg/100 ml.
In Energiegetränken gesetzlich auf 30 mg/100ml beschränkt. Dafür mit weiteren Aufputschmitteln inklsv. viel Zucker gemischt.
Nachtrag: das Problem ist weniger die Konzentration, sondern die Vermarktung. Die wenigsten Heranwachsenden trinken eine Tasse Kaffee. Wohingegen sich Energiegetränke fest etabliert haben und sich großer Beliebtheit erfreuen. Energiegetränke haben inzwischrn typische Größen von 500 ml erreicht, was einer Dosis von ca. 150 mg Koffein entspricht. Da auch gerne mal mehr als eine Dose gekippt wird, landen wir hier schnell bei 300 mg. Ein verantwortungsbewusster Umgang damit fehlt anscheinend bei den meisten Minderjährigen.
Oftmals werden Energiegetränke auch mit Alkohol vermischt, was das noch problematischer, auch für Erwachsene, macht.
Hm okay. English is not my native language. I've checked this with a dictionary and found it to be an adequate description, even discussed this with ChatGPT. It pointed out that this can also be understood in the way you've described it.
What I meant were people who practise in esotericism, like briefly described here. Besides "stupid", what do you suggest to describe such people?
Also, thanks for pointing that out!
If you're happy with your life, that's perfect!
As people are usually social creatures, it's only natural if someone is in truth not happy about this. There are exceptions of course.
However, my comment was totally misplaced and condescending. My bad. Didn't think much about it. I'm truly sorry about this.
I've deleted the comment.
You're right. I'm sorry. I was just joking, but it's not okay to do that by picking on someone who lives a harmless life.
I guess I felt a bit offended, since he sounded rather aggressive and condescending. But, not my business. Doesn't affect me nor anyone else besides himself alone.
Thanks for pointing that out. I've deleted my comment.
Yes. You can'tn't.
As far as I know it is indeed theoretically possible to catch chlamydia when having contact to infected toilet seats. But for this to happen "fresh" infected secretes in high doses must be present. Chlamydia bacteria do not survive for long outside of a body.
Therefore an infection on this way is very unlikely and such a case hasn't been reported.
For women an infection with chlamydia is especially dangerous since typical symptoms are often lacking. But leaving it untreated can pose significant hazards such as cancer and loss of fertility.
So, get yourself checked regularly.
Sources (German):
Ich finde nirgends eine Begründung der Bundenärztekammer dafür. Nicht mal in dem veröffentlichten Positionspapier selbst.
Selling to Disnep was a huge mistake. Putting all the fabulous work of the expanded universe in the back for "creative freedom" and labeling it "fan fiction" basically killed Star Wars for me. Why make movies about Yuuzhan Vong, a novel and incredibly fascinating and creatively written species as the new menace, not detectable by the force, if you can just recycle the old movies?