That is cheap compared to NZ
Looks like there are a lot of extras available. I'll only get one if a really good deal shows up. But it's good to know that it is somewhat hackable.
270bar pneumatics..... Fuck that
So no more releasing CO2 or CH4 (chemicals) into the atmosphere then?
This is the best news I have heard lately.
I wonder what the vibration frequency of those straps is, once the wind is blowing through them.
Will they vibrate the roof into mush before they pull out of the ground and become metal ended whips?
Source and sink (source and drain) are commonly used to describe the movement of fluids / electricity.
Comparison is the thief of joy
Wow how much more explicit do Americans need it before seeing him for what he is?
What is to stop Biden from cancelling the upcoming election?
Being now his powers are effectively unchecked, couldn't he just call off the election as an official act. Rather than stupid shit like ordering assassination or deploying the military, just say "I'm cancelling the election until such time this ruling is overturned and a constitutional amendment is enacted that states that the president is not immune from criminal prosecution"
Just general karma whoring...
For ~$100USD/month 4000/4000, no caps.
For ~$80USD/month 2000/2000, no caps.
For ~$60USD/month 1000/1000, no caps.