The AI suggests painting it and adding it to a garden as decoration.
I don't get what they gain out of this, doesn't it remove the sponsored results? Or will people pay to nudge AI weights to recommend their products?
That would mean all taxes are theft.
You're welcome to have that perspective, but it doesn't map well onto any modern legal framework for ownership.
It's not meaningless, it's about who controls a thing. What makes you think ownership must not have conditions?
I don't think taxes negate ownership.
If you rent you need permission for every modification, every pet, even for something like planting a garden.
Ownership can be conditional; you can own a domain, but if you don't pay the renewal fee it can be taken away; you can own a car, but if you drive it without paying your registration it can be impounded; you can own a business, but if you don't pay your license renewal it can be revoked.
Owning something doesn't mean it can never be taken away or that you don't need to do anything to keep it.
How does increasing production hurt Russia? We don't buy oil from them anyway right now, if it hurts anyone it's Canada. But more importantly he's trumpeting increased oil production at the cost of EVs and renewable energy; the US mostly produces light crude oil, but our refineries mostly require heavy crude oil. The US leaning into the production of gas is a boon to nations that export heavy crude oil (e.g. Saudi Arabia & Russia)
I understand that you were trying to pick an example of something unrelated, but switching from investing in renewables to a fully fossil fueled economy is one of the most significant ways trump has helped Russia over both terms.
You don't see how keeping the US dependent on oil helps a place where 2/3 of exports are oil?
No tax on tips was just a cheap campaign promise that can distract people from the real issues. Most tipped workers hardly pay anything in tax, if they really cared about helping tipped workers they'd remove the federal regulation that allows tipped workers to be paid $2.13/hr; removing tips from taxes also lowers their social security in retirement.
A nothing burger is a claim with no substance.
There's tons of substance to this one, just look at the press conference with Zalensky, look at aid being halted to Ukraine, look at the yachts given to oligarchs, the deference to Putin, the extortion of Ukraine, the lifting of sanctions, the meeting in Helsinki, the disinformation campaigns and propaganda.
I don't think anyone claimed what Israel is doing was fine. Even Biden was critical.
When Ukraine surrendered their nuclear weapons the US promised to help protect them from Russia. It was our duty to help. To get the Ukraine funding passed it had to be bundled with assistance for Israel, or Republicans would not have voted for it.
Biden gave Ukraine $120 billion for defense against the invasion.
He gave $18 billion to Israel and $2 billion to Gaza.
If it wasn't a sex act, then phone sex workers wouldn't exist, erotica wouldn't exist.
There are a lot of things that aren't always a sex act but can be in the right circumstances, arguably most things.
Again, I assert it isn't TABOO, but PRIVATE/PERSONAL. Just like my medical history isn't taboo, it's private and personal.
Do you think it's important to get consent from people before sharing your medical history?
Regardless, it's possible to discuss sex in ways that aren't as private as medical history; it's a common element in comedy, theater, and art.
What shields abusers, ironically, is not discussing consent and not putting consent first.
Multiple things can shield abusers. Consent and discussion of it is absolutely foremost, but if sex is taboo it makes conversation about sexual consent much rarer and less organic.
Any topic can make people uncomfortable, sex, religion, politics, death; all things to avoid in polite company, but they're also a big part of life and should be discussed freely imo.
Private equity is where corporations go to die.