Whoa, I hate cybertrucks as much as the next guy, but that's a bit harsh. You shouldn't kill someone just for buying a vehicle.
I figure the best way to convince China to stop supporting Russia is to give them a better option. Europe is a bigger economy and more in line with many of China's goals. Russia is chaotic and weak by comparison.
Replace the US with China
Under 50%, he only got 49% of the vote.
They're already well on their way.
It's actually quite rare for crocodiles to eat capybaras, they have a mutually beneficial relationship. The primary predator of the capybara is the jaguar.
There were none under Biden either if I remember correctly.
But it's been around for more than two centuries?
There's more protests on Monday, and we're only getting more angry.
Well, if someone changes their name you'd add a new record with the same SSN to hold their new name, that way it keeps the records consistent with the paperwork; old papers say their old name and reference the retired record, new papers use their new name and reference the new record.
You can use the SSN as the key to find all records associated with a person, it doesn't have to be a single row per SSN, in fact that would make the data harder to manage and less accurate.
E.g. if someone changes their last name after getting married, it could be useful to be able to have their current and former name in the database for reference.
Same cable, same port, I don't really care what it's called if the capabilities are the same.
3D is important for stuff like VR, there's a reason it's the predominant cable for headsets.
The only thing more precious than human life: tires ๐