
joined 6 days ago
submitted 32 minutes ago* (last edited 27 minutes ago) by to c/

I've held this opinion of Devin Stone for awhile and his continued YouTube success has grinded me down... I really believe this guy is pretending to be a progressive but is nothing of the sort.

All looks at his early YouTube history show that his channel was first created to sell courses for money to pass bar exams.

His employment history apparently begins with Barnes & Thornburg LLP, whose legal history on Wikipedia talks about representing Mike Lindell, of Crack Smoking and Pillow Manufacturing fame, in his bogus claims voting machines were hacked (

Later on he is employed by Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld, who according to Wikipedia defended ExxonMobil and Paul Manifort, and have a detailed list of alumni who have become deeply embedded in the government to the point they're likely all lobbists

Now this guy outsources at least half his videos to another Youtube creator saying they're FEATURING someone else, all this guy does is appear to do the intro and ad reads. And speaking of ad reads he represents himself as the head of some law firm you can count on if you are the victim of the system, but it's just a click funnel into selling your details to ambulance chasers.

I just straight up don't trust this dude and the vibes he gives off are very bad. This is my unpopular opinion, I'm interested in your thoughts.

edit: self-deleted sorry, this is probably all politics, ill delete it and stuff it down harder

[–] 1 points 1 hour ago* (last edited 1 hour ago)

I heard that it once read "Ice Cube's a Pimp"

hello, neighbour


Mmmm hydrogenated palm oil

Did that one on the right gain sentience and yeet itself off the top shelf?

[–] 67 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) (1 children)

John Oliver took a good look at this topic on his Sunday episode, worth a watch.

[–] 3 points 4 days ago (1 children)

Get me Steven Spielberg!

my first thought was aren't they a part of the Military Industrial Complex, how could they possibly go bankrupt? It turns out they sold off that part of their business in 2016 to private equity. Oops.

The identities of the news site’s staff were kept private out of concern for “professional repercussions, doxxing, etc.,” the site said.

Sit perfectly still, only I may doxx

I really wanted the Men in Black/21 Jump Street crossover that was teased a few times before being cancelled. Instead of finding a way to make it happen, Sony dropped the stinky turd MIB International which probably killed the franchise 😔

mom's spaghetti

[–] 6 points 4 days ago (1 children)

I had one of those travel tubes of toothpaste once and accidentally brushed my teeth with hydrocortisone cream for a few seconds instead, was really gross (but not devestating). I sympathize.

[–] 2 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

Needing to enter a three-way no holds barred battle with the latest people to comment "I didn't have this on my 2025 bingo card" and "this is the worst timeline". Winner gets to keep using their term as much as they like, losers may never use theirs again

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