[-] cetvrti_magi@lemmy.world 1 points 2 days ago

I really like The Crew due to how it turns whole concept on it's head. Shamans is also great in my opinion, it combines trick-tacking and hidden roles.

[-] cetvrti_magi@lemmy.world 20 points 3 days ago

We used Matlab in 3rd year of high school. Teachers sent us link to download pirated version. I installed GNU Octave.

[-] cetvrti_magi@lemmy.world 12 points 3 days ago

I mean basic programming in general, as basic as it gets. It's not guaranteed that every student has programming experience.

submitted 3 days ago by cetvrti_magi@lemmy.world to c/linux@lemmy.ml

I started university today, I'm on a more general IT department. In first semester we have only one subject that is actually IT (rest is maths and english) that is about basic programming in C. And it turns out that university computers that we will use for this subject are all running Ubuntu. I planned to bring my laptop anyway because I want to have my configs, but it's still great that students who never used Linux will be introduced to it (for some basic stuff tho).

[-] cetvrti_magi@lemmy.world 6 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

So it's what I expected. I'll get it on discount or used when possible, I'd like to avoid 70€ price tag (that's how much full priced games cost in my country). Thanks.

[-] cetvrti_magi@lemmy.world 11 points 6 days ago

Do you recommend the game? I'm not sure should I buy it.


I just finished part 1 and, well, I'm kinda disappointed. It's not bad, I think it's actually pretty solid, but compared to the book it's much worse in terms of story progression and characters. Some parts felt really rushed. I didn't expect it to be better than the book, but I still expected better adaptation considering that (at least as far as I know) it was well received and I knew that it didn't adapt whole book so I expected it to don't skip too much. Is part 2 any better?

[-] cetvrti_magi@lemmy.world 27 points 1 month ago

Another problem with Bible (and other similar books) is that it doesn't make sense that omnipotent god would communicate to humans trough vague book that would have many different interpretations and possibly have it's meaning changed a bit with translations to different languages. At least there are Christians who accept that events from Bible never happened.

[-] cetvrti_magi@lemmy.world 64 points 1 month ago

Linux is amazing for games thar don't have anti-cheat and I don't play those games. Saying that Linux gaming isn't ready is just stupid at this point. And for emulation it might be better than Windows.

[-] cetvrti_magi@lemmy.world 27 points 2 months ago

Because religion is all about indoctrination. When I came out as atheist my dad said that all my ancestors were Christians and I'm stopping that tradition. I don't care, if they belived that doesn't mean that I also have to belive and just because it's a tradition it doesn't mean it should continue. He also said that goal of atheism is to make people lose their identity (he and many others in my country think that identity is just religious and natinoal identity, they also think that those two things are same). After that I had to explain to him what is identity, how it's impossible to lose it and that there is no agenda behind atheism.


I came out to my mom in may and until 2.5 weeks ago everything was fine. I had another session with my therapist and before that I told her how my feelings regarding my gender identity intensified and that I seriously started considering DIY HRT (not in that words because she doesn't know what that means, but that was the point). After that she started to swing really hard in both directions when talking to me about my gender identity. She is doing her best to help me (it's not very successful because she doesn't understand what being trans means) but sometimes she tells me how people from LGBT community do really bad stuff. To be fair, in our country there were some situations where someone from from the community who would do something in public they really shouldn't do, but that's really small number of people. I told her that only some people are like that and most don't do things like that but she just tells me that it's actually opposite. Today she entered my room just to show me how some crossdressers "made fun" of the Last supper (she found it offensive because she is a Christian) and to tell me how bad it is and that that's what I want to get into. Worst part is that I already told her the first time that I don't want to participate in public LGBT events and that I just want to live my own life, but she continues to do stuff like this. To me it feels like she sees things like things and is scared that I will be part of that while ingoring what I already told her. And I don't like the way she talks about that. I'd like to give her some resources so she could learn something about trans people but I couldn't find anything good on my native language (she doesn't know any other language). If I just told her that wouldn't be enough. At this point I'm not sure is she truly accepting or not. What should I do?

[-] cetvrti_magi@lemmy.world 50 points 2 months ago

I don't follow news, especially not on public figures like Elon Musk so I didn't know what kind of person he is but this sounds really bad. I don't understand people like this, they don't want to even try to help or support their own children. Can't imagine what he (or anyone else who is like him) is willing to do to a stranger.


Today I played Super smash bros with my 8 year old cousin, when I picked Rosalina he refered to me with feminine pronouns during that match. It was weird because this is first time I was gendered correctly but also felt great. And he isn't aware at all about my gender identity issues so I wasn't expecting it at all.


Around 1.5 weeks ago I had entrance exam for university. I used 1 month I had after school finished to spend more time to prepare for the exam. During that time I ignored my feelings regrding my gender identity which made me feel better at the time but things got worse after finishing exam. I'm desparate for HRT at the moment and I even considered DIY (I'd rather go to endocrinologist before HRT but DIY would allow me to start much sooner). At this point just the idea of living rest of my life as a man makes me feel dread. It's not any better with clothes. I'll probably order some feminine clothes, maybe even a wig, just to feel better about myself. Tomorrow I'll have to wear shirt and pants, had to try them today and for the first time in my life I hated it (before it just made me feel uncomfortable). Time that I spent preparing for exam now feels wasted because I didn't get any gender euphoria during that time. Even tho I did exam well at the end and I'll go to university I wanted that didn't make me feel happy at all because of dysphoria. Everyone else is more happy and excited than me about university. At least I have a session with my therapist soon to talk about all of this. I'll also talk with my mom about this, didn't do it yet because of some events that don't have anything to do with my gender identity. I just hope that everything will go well until I start HRT.


Smash ultimate looks really cool to me and I really want to try it (mostly because of roster) but I can't play it as local multiplayer party game because I have Switch lite. Is it worth getting for single player contet and online multiplayer?

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by cetvrti_magi@lemmy.world to c/linux_gaming@lemmy.world

When I run the game I get this error.

I tried reinstalling both jdk and Minecraft, it didn't change anything. I also checked the location of a java file that doesn't exists according to error and it does exists (can't run it anyway).

Distro is NixOS.

Fix: I installed Flatpak version of ATLauncher.

[-] cetvrti_magi@lemmy.world 27 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

That's really funny because they are the ones not knowing what's good and what's bad. Even Bible shows god doing some evil stuff like killing almost everything alive on Earth or telling a father to kill his own son. It confuses me how anyone can say that such god is good.

Came out to my mom (lemmy.world)
submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by cetvrti_magi@lemmy.world to c/mtf@lemmy.blahaj.zone

I sent her a coming out letter while I was in school. Later I saw that she sent me a message but I was too scared to look at it at first.

She said that she need some time to clear things in her head but will always support and love me, that she will help and that everything will be good. She also said that we will talk about this when we are alone.

It made me so happy. Knowing that at least one person will support me makes things easier. It's such a big step.

Edit: After I finished my launch she hugged me, we stayed like that for a long time. From her breathing I knew this is hard for her as I expected. She said same things she said in her messages and added that she is happy I told her how I feel.

[-] cetvrti_magi@lemmy.world 39 points 5 months ago

It's funny how every time they say atheist can't answer certain question it's actually easy to answer.


I decided to come out to my mom by sending her a "letter" to make it easier for me but I'm not sure is it good enough. Main things I want her to understand are how I feel, that this didn't happen overnight and that it's a big problem for me. This is what I wrote (translated to English):

"Something is bothering me for some time now, I want to explain everything here. It’s hard for me to start conversation about this so to make it easier for me I wrote it. I know this will be hard for you and I want to give you as much time as you need to process it. Only thing I want is support, all of this is already very hard for me so if we made negative atmosphere it would become even worse. So, I’m pretty sure that I’m transgender. I don’t know what you heard about trans people in media so I’ll try to explain how I feel. To put it shortly, it’s awful. I don’t feel good in my own skin. Whenever I’m not distracted by school or hobbies I feel really bad. I don’t like how I look and sound and how others see me. I can’t dress how I want. I feel like I’m wearing a costume because of others. A costume that I want to remove but can’t. I feel envy towards women, sometimes I can’t even look at them because of it. As times goes things become worse and my wish to do something about this is growing stronger but I’m scared. I’m scared of potential reactions of others, especially family members, and that I would be rejected. I wanted to come out to you first because I think you won’t disapprove me immediately and at least try to understand me. Like I said, support is really important to me at the moment. If people reject me things would become worse. I want to go to a therapist as soon as possible, that would be the best solution, but I wanted to tell you everything first. I don’t want to do something like this behind your back. I also want to tell you that this isn’t something recent, I’m just able to better understand my feeling now that I’m older. For years I wondered how it’s like to be a girl, I wanted to experience it for a short period. I had dreams where I became a girl. I thought it’s normal and that everyone experienced it from time to time. Anything that has something to do with changing gender was interesting to me, especially male to female. I thought it’s just a fetish. When I realized there is more to these feelings I tried convince myself I’m just making it up and that I can’t be trans. It was hard for me to accept myself as transgender but after some time I couldn’t find a different explanation. Stubbornness and fear were only reasons why I couldn’t accept myself. I’m sorry for not telling this sooner, I want you to understand that it’s hard to talk about this. I’m scared that others will reject me but I also want to do something about these feelings in order to be happy. And, again, support means me more than anything. I’m sure that you have feelings of loss while reading this. I’ll always be me, things like this won’t change that. If you blame yourself for this, please don’t do it. You and dad, or anyone else, aren’t blameworthy. No matter what you did in the past I would get here at some point. If you read all of this, I want to let you know it means a lot to me. When you are ready to talk about this just tell me, it’s easier now that I shared these feelings with someone. This should remain between the two of us, others shouldn’t know about it at the moment."

Is this good? This is really important to me so I want to approach it in a right way and feedback would be really helpful with that.

Important note: Verbs and adjectives are gendered in my native language. I used masculine forms because I feel like that would make things a bit easier for her. Should I keep that?

I need advice (lemmy.world)

I thinking about trying to start with HRT earlier than I previously planned. My plan was to start transitioning after I become financially independant but when I think about that it would take at least 5 years until I start taking hormones but 6 years looks more realistic. Not sure that I can wait that long. This options isn't out of the question because it may actually be the best one but I'm not so sure about it anymore.

Main problem is that I really want to be feminine but my musculine body is getting in my way all the time, no matter how feminine I feel from some things my body still brings dysphoria. I can't feel like myself because of it.

I searched for stories of trans women from my country to get more information about the way trans women are treated here and it looks like situation is better than I tought, coming out might not be as bad as I expected. From what I heard even older people in rural areas were supportive of trans women.

When I look at my situation only person I could come out is my mother if I approach the conversation in a right way. I know that it would be hard for her, but if I explain to her what being trans actually means and how I feel about myself she might come around it. Not really sure what's the best way to do it. I can try giving some resources to her but that wouldn't be that easy because she knows only 1 language and it's not english. Connecting her with other parents of trans girls could also work. Also, I'm not sure is it good idea to don't force her on using different pronouns and name at first to make things a bit easier for her.

One important note is that even if I decide to come out that won't be now because I'm not ready for it yet, I would wait for some time (not too long thou).

Reason why I'm talking about coming out here is because doing that first would make medical transition easier. In my country, gender affirming care is only available in capital. Since I'm 18 going there isn't really a problem but the fact that it would mean going there often and I don't do that normally is a problem. If I started seeing a therapist my parents would quickly think that something is odd basically forcing me to come out, that would be much worse than coming out when I'm ready. I'm still considering starting without anyone knowing but in that case I would quickly come out to avoid worst case scenario.

Basically, I'm not sure how to go with this. Should I wait? Should I come out (and how)? Or should I start in secret and come out quickly after that?

In case it matters, gender affirming care in my country includes seeing a psychiatrist for at least a year, after that you start with hormones and after 1 year of hormones and more talking with psychiatrist you can do SRS. After SRS you can change gender marker and name (you can't change musculine name to feminine one before SRS).


Just venting a bit.

I expected that dysphoria will increase with more euphoria but not this fast. Before, I had dysphoria because of my presentation, fat distribution and chest but things that didn't bother me at all started to feel wrong and I just want to get rid of them. This mainly includes body hair, genitals and facial hair.

I also need more euphoria. At this point I put on feminine clothes every time I go to the bathroom (it's the only place where I have complete privacy). It seems like I'll have to buy some women's underwear to feel more comfortable (so far I only put on my mom's clothes that is going to washing machine). I'm kinda scared to go and buy it myself, ordering online is pretty risky until I come out.


I started cross-dressing while I'm alone at home and few minutes ago I was doing that. There was a dress I wanted try and I did it now (I love it) but when I finished for today it was pretty hard to take it off because it wasn't made for musculine body (first time having problem like that). I was scared that I won't able to take it off by the time someone returns, they would be shocked. At the end that didn't happen but now I want to come up with a way to explain everything to my parents if such scenario actually happens and I need some help with that (important note is that my parents are pretty religious, not extremists thou). Smartest idea would probably be to just stop cross-dressing but it gives me so much euphoria, can't really give up on that.

Only idea I have for now is just to explain everything, that I'm trans and what that means, but I'm not sure how to do that in a way they would understand. There is probably a better way to go about this, any recommendation or story from personal experience would be useful.

[-] cetvrti_magi@lemmy.world 61 points 9 months ago

Few days ago I was in meeting with two friend, we did something for school, and my screen was shared. At one point I had to type something in Vim so I opened a terminal. They were shocked, confused and said something like "we aren't hackers" (and we are on IT department). More people should know about beauty of CLI.

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