submitted 4 days ago by dillekant@slrpnk.net to c/climate@slrpnk.net

Amazing talk by Prof. Steve Keen. The original Unlearning Economics ;)

[-] dillekant@slrpnk.net 2 points 5 days ago

"we just grind that shit up till it's microscopic and inject it straight into your balls. Bingo Bango! No more plastic waste...o"

[-] dillekant@slrpnk.net 27 points 1 week ago

Next you're all gonna say I should use dentures to chew my own food rather than have my underage slave girls chew it and spit in my mouth. You people disgust me.


OK I haven't seen the whole thing yet but I'm at the point of the video where I think she's going to say "Solarpunk" and I'm excite!

submitted 2 months ago by dillekant@slrpnk.net to c/solarpunk@slrpnk.net

I know most Solarpunks already know about Andrew Millison from his permaculture work, but his new videos are both awesome and very solarpunk vibes, simple solutions for big problems.

submitted 2 months ago by dillekant@slrpnk.net to c/solarpunk@slrpnk.net

I like it, it's a good movie, and I want to make the (maybe hot take argument) that this is solarpunk!


[-] dillekant@slrpnk.net 61 points 3 months ago

A recent Unlearning Economics Live video had Cahal mentioning that it was pretty easy to identify essential workers, and if that's the case we should earmark housing for those workers in the relevant areas. If it's been so easy to classify them, there should probably be other similar accomodations (eg tax breaks) from a payment perspective.


Interesting look into Dune and the Luddites, and how technology can take two forms. Apropos permacomputing I think.

[-] dillekant@slrpnk.net 59 points 3 months ago

Happy Apr 1.

submitted 3 months ago by dillekant@slrpnk.net to c/fuck_cars@lemmy.ml

Seriously fuckcars you need to hear this. Have we been fighting for the wrong side the whole time/???

[-] dillekant@slrpnk.net 24 points 3 months ago

non-commercial file sharing is not piracy, the industry just re-defined it because they don't want anyone to share stuff.


Great video on building new housing supply, and also covers how the Greens are duplicitous about building new housing while opposing housing in their councils. Labor is right on this one.


Hi guys, I just wanted to call out an inappropriate term I've seen used sometimes: Civil Disobedience. It's not just civil disobedience when you pirate something privately, you need to do it publicly and dare the authorities to do something about it.

So an example here would be to set up a massive leech party and advertise it specifically as civil disobedience. Say all manner of things from all manner of copyright holders would be transmitted, and try and get news coverage. That's civil disobedience.

Just downloading a movie because you want to watch it is not. OK thanks for your time.

Aaron Bushnell, Anarchist (www.youtube.com)
submitted 4 months ago by dillekant@slrpnk.net to c/anarchism@slrpnk.net

I don't have any words for this. The man is a hero.

[-] dillekant@slrpnk.net 21 points 4 months ago

From What is a Walkable city:

These spaces incorporate elements like seating areas, public art installations, water features, and greenery, enhancing the overall aesthetic appeal and providing a respite from the built environment.


Ample green spaces, street trees, and seating areas provide comfortable resting spots and encourage people to enjoy their surroundings.

So... yes? Like I know it might be cathartic to someone driving-by (heh) the concept, but seating is very much in the design of walkable cities.

submitted 4 months ago by dillekant@slrpnk.net to c/technology@slrpnk.net

Colani is pretty interesting from a design standpoint. The biomimicry in his designs can be a sister to art nouveau and very reminiscent of Moebius. I think Colani is definitely a touch point for Solarpunk art.

submitted 5 months ago by dillekant@slrpnk.net to c/solarpunk@slrpnk.net

New TTT just dropped. Sorry I know I keep sharing Youtube videos I'm probably just Basic like that.

submitted 5 months ago by dillekant@slrpnk.net to c/solarpunk@slrpnk.net

Alice Cappelle generally tackles social issues, and here she shares the idea that school under capitalism is seen as transactional, and therefore this results in teachers being disrespected, which stymies education.

[-] dillekant@slrpnk.net 63 points 5 months ago


I wonder where they went...

[-] dillekant@slrpnk.net 26 points 6 months ago

No one has said this one yet:

I play a mix and generally want to create a distance between me and the character. I'm not thinking "what would I do?" I'm thinking "what would this person do?"

Having said that, if I pick a girl I won't pick a heterosexual romance option. Romance in games is strange.

[-] dillekant@slrpnk.net 48 points 7 months ago

Someone apologising for a repost? That's howyou know it's not Reddit.

[-] dillekant@slrpnk.net 39 points 11 months ago

"I want shorter games with worse graphics made by people who are paid more to work less and I'm not kidding"

[-] dillekant@slrpnk.net 28 points 11 months ago

The faster you go above 80 you use exponentially more energy. Invest in public transport you knobs.

[-] dillekant@slrpnk.net 23 points 1 year ago

Yeah, setting up the Servarrs (Lidarr/Radarr/Sonarr + Prowlarr) along with your bt client, then trawling opensignups to get onto private torrent sites.

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