Absolutely devastating... that someone like him can make it to 96.
The non-violent underground climate group cut through fibre optic cables ...
My dumb ass read this and thought they were a literal subterranean activist group that would go around cutting cables
But at the beginning she clearly gets out of the left side
And maybe I need to add /s, that's my bad
It's so hard to tell though, every other time she gets in and out of the American side
There are other wipes besides star wipes
Removed our spines and flattened us to allow for more even cooking. If you remember when those dudes in black suits came around and did that to everyone, that's what this is referring to.
This happened to my sister because she was near a "bad neighborhood" and they needed some reason to search her car for drugs.
I tend to use musicbrainz to find all release groups (album titles) by an artist, then look at all the individual releases (produced albums) in a release group to see if any are Blu-ray, DVD, or SACD. Then it's possible to try and track down copies of them by catalog number.
I'm sorry, does that say smelania?