It's been done before. Redneck Revolt (antifascist) even had a temporary relationship with a full-on lolbert militia (American Pit Vipers) after APV saw all the disgusting neo-nazis at Charlottesville and realised that antifascists aren't crying wolf.
Nazis aren't "people you disagree with". They're anti-social violence-worshippers, and in this Australian context, terrorists grooming children. The main Australian neo-Nazi group literally had leadership get caught applying for a job in disability services when they said they only wanted to work cases for young boys[1]. ASIO have emphasised the decreasing age of NSNs membership. Their strategy, like many neo-Nazi orgs, is to indoctrinate and recruit disaffected and alienated teenagers.
It’s kinda weird to sort of start rolling back to where some type of conservatism is actually a good thing.
For what it's worth, politics is more complex than conservation and change. The status quo is what got us here, so we must to better than merely conserve.
Apples and oranges. A nazi salute is not a racial comment. It's a signal of allegiance to extermination (which, by the way, extermination is physically violent).
The idealistic fantasy that we should permit the intentional organisation of Nazism is not an effective way to preserve liberty of speech. Australia has no intention of becoming the failing pseudo-liberalist state that the USA is. So if the law doesn't stop them, our communities will continue to step up and silence them ourselves.
A Nazi salute is a form of hate crime against Jewish people, would it also be illegal to use Racial Slurs?
Why would it? One does not imply the other.
Also, a Nazi salute isn't just a slur. It's (at least) signaling that you want a bunch of groups exterminated (Jews are one of those many groups).
Why not execute them?
Pragmatic constraints.
I'm still impressed by how many times it's happened.
FWIW, I’m not deadset against this as a concept (because honestly, who needs fucking 50 different kinds of toothpaste or toilet paper), but there’s no way in hell this is about customers. This is about exerting power over suppliers.
Came here to say the same. On one hand, the mass overproduction and waste is atrocious (an atrocity) and the false perception of choice and the choice paralysis is just a waste of our time on top of that, so if I still shopped there it would have been refreshing to see. On the other hand, let's not pretend Coles cares.
Are you aware of what gear the tyrants' armies have? They're not going to be fiddling around with bolt action rifles, I can tell you that much.
Guns are a tool, and horrible people using fully auto weapons isn't a good reason for us to avoid them.